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  • Monday January 1st 2007
    Happy New Year 12:34 am-
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    So wrong.

    What American accent do you have?

    Your Result: The South

    That’s a Southern accent you’ve got there. You may love it, you may hate it, you may swear you don’t have it, but whatever the case, we can hear it.

    The Midland
    The Inland North
    The Northeast
    North Central
    The West

    What American accent do you have?

    Views: 1,113
    Saturday January 6th 2007
    Vanguard Screens 2:50 pm-
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    Beta 5 is live. With it the nda is gone. I offer up screen shots from the game. My computer is mid range I guess. It should be noted these screens are from before beta 5 and that is why it looks like my character is attacking with no weapon. He is attacking with a longsword. Beta 5 since has fixed it for some it appears. I still can not see the helmet I’m wearing. 35 shots total, these are my favorites:

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six

    The game runs like shit. It chugs and it is not playable as far as I’m concerned. I can run lots of nice looking games and for what it looks like there is no reason it should chug the way it does. It’s also not fun. Which may be from the chugging. But the world and characters just lack personality. Again this is all my opinion. But Vanguard is not the game for me. It’s going open beta here real soon. And retail by the end of the month. In it’s current form I don’t see it lasting long. Good look and good riddance.

    Views: 1,515
    Thursday January 11th 2007
    No More Sheriff 11:37 pm-
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    The Sheriff is dead (well not dead, just not at the worst hotel ever anymore)! In retrospect here is the sound clip that made him what he is:

    Played [drain file 30 hits] Times

    This ends the tale that started mybossisapussy.com. This info was provided to me by a poor soul still trapped at that hotel and still tormented by the gm biggest douche bag in the universe.

    fh pPodiI vHWXK fW ZmUh
    Views: 1,083
    Tuesday January 16th 2007
    Bush Was Here 11:58 pm-
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    A hotel post. A little background on the new hotel. It’s had it’s famous guests. Take note of the photos below.

    One Two
    Three Four

    George Bush visited the hotel back on September 24, 2004.

    Views: 1,157
    Wednesday January 17th 2007
    Morning Photos 7:05 am-
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    A few months ago I bought a new digital camera. I’ve been carrying it with me when I goto work. This morning on the drive home to work traffic was backed up for miles because of an accident.

    One Two
    Three Four

    You may notice the snow. I think this is the second snowfall we have had up here in my neck of the woods.

    s ttB F TMCWCLIsd Vo
    Views: 1,142
    Wednesday January 31st 2007
    Nine Years Old 3:09 am-
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    Nine years. It does not seem like it’s been that long. Just one year away from my site hitting ten years old. Which at that point I guess I join some dubious club of people who have “blogged” for a decade or more (is there such a club?).

    Looking back a year ago I laugh at how things have changed. A year ago I was so pissed off at how things where going at the worst hotel ever that I was actively trying to get myself fired. I started up Mybossisapussy.com just to take a potshot at my then boss the sheriff. A site now that really serves no purpose.

    But thats how it goes. This new hotel just is so different. It’s been hard for me to get used to the change. A working and competent front desk manager, desk clerks who come in on time, and desk clerks who also know how to balance. This hotel is also busy. A big contrast to that poor dying hotel.

    A place that really just needs to be put out of it’s misery. Incompetent Owners and Managers have ruined that hotel. One needs only look as far as TT’s Memoirs to get an insider look at how the worst hotel ever is run still to this day.

    With any luck when this time come around next year I will be able to write about how the worst hotel ever died. I really do look forward to that day. The day those Owners and Managers have failed and finally give up and close the doors of that place.

    Views: 1,422
    January 2007
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