It’s Come Back To Camelot time once again according to the Camelot Herald:
We kicked off the Come Back To Camelot campaign this morning. All inactive accounts (ones that were in good standing) have been reactivated for ten days.
To celebrate, and as a little thank you to all of our current players, the Moderately Evil Overlord and his minion (Content Boss Rob) decided that in ADDITION to the SI/RVR bonus experience, we would also activate double Realm Points and double Bounty points on Agramon Island. Enjoy.
I’m going to give DAoC a try again. I’m getting bored in CoV again.
From the Herald:
Come Back To Camelot: Boy, do I feel like a dweeb. I assumed that we were activated ALL old accounts, and you know what they say about “assume.” We activated all accounts that went inactive as of the last year, not all accounts ever – I have been told in somewhat blistering terms that “all accounts ever” would still be processing. Since this was entirely my bad, please feel free to email me (first name at mythicentertainment dot com) with the account name, if you went inactive more than a year ago. I apologize to those of you annoyed by this.