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  • Friday June 1st 2001
    Find Another One 2:30 am-
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    The hotel had an employee meeting today for the front desk staff. I love these meetings. “They” make them so fun. Some of their ideas are so ridiculous that even I sometimes think I make this shit up. In the meeting we were told about a new plan to raise employee awareness about litter.

    This plan stinks of the whole First Concern? thing that was started a long time ago. Here is the plan. In order to raise awareness of liter in the hotel management is going to drop more litter in the form of notes and such that have slogans and prizes written on them. I kid you not. This is one for True Tales of Induhviduals if I ever seen one.

    “They” also made us take a test. A test on procedures at the front desk. I hate taking tests. I hate when work the workplace tests you on what you do. If I wanted to take tests I would go to school. That and the fact I hate jumping through hoops for anyone. One of the questions was to define teamwork. I can’t define teamwork. I work alone so I don’t have any teamwork going on. My answer was that there may not be an “I” in teamwork, but there is an “I” in audit.

    Besides the” team” I’m on are made up of second and third stringers as compared to the good old days. Either I’m going to get fired, again. Or I go to school this fall.

    Views: 976
    The GuestBook 9:00 am-
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    I had some activity in the GuestBook and never mentioned it. First up was Saddler. The Saddler who wrote the hilarious Private Ryan commentary. Here is what Saddler had to say:

    Name: SADDLER
    Date: 05/29/01
    Time: 10:31 AM


    Troy says this weekend, probably Saturday. Pearl Harbor was a movie that mixed Titanic with Private Ryan. Three hours. First two it’s a chick flick. Last hour is for the boys.

    Views: 886
    Menard$! 9:01 am-
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    I also had a no name sign the before mentioned GuestBook and asks this question:

    Date: 05/30/01
    Time: 05:35 PM

    I think you should work at Menard$. Change is Good:)

    I hate those damn smiley faces. Fuck people who use that shit. Oops sorry. I just really hate that shit. It just gets under my craw.

    Anyway back to the comment no name brought up. Menard$? Sure it would be ok:) But I tried a few years ago and struck out:( Maybe I will re-apply? Change is good? Sorry I disagree. I hate change. Maybe even fear it. So to summarize, change is bad and that :) shit is too.

    Views: 920
    June 2001
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