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  • Monday October 1st 2001
    This And That 5:20 am-
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    Jeez it’s already October. What happened to September? Changes at the hotel continue to roll in. Nothing major that’s worth talking about here on the main page. A couple more people got fired. Monday is the start of my four days off. And I look forward to my four days off more and more. I have to go to a meeting on Tuesday at the hotel.

    I’ve been playing a lot of Pool Of Radiance since I picked it up on the 28th of September. I have been having lots of fun with it. Over at the POR message boards I read how lots of people are having problems with the game. That and all of the bitching about how it doesn’t follow the 3E rules to the tee. I think it’s closer to the pen and paper version. And again I’m having lots of fun with the game.

    In fact I’ve been playing this damn game so much I’m behind on my e-mail. Shit I have to get back to work.

    Views: 823
    Wednesday October 3rd 2001
    Evercrack! 6:49 pm-
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    Well I went and picked up the Everquest Trilogy and a Everquest Game Card. I’ve been doing nothing but play Everquest since yesterday. It is slightly addictive if your into this kind of hack and slash rpg type game.

    Here is a shot of my pathetic Level 5 Warrior named Raethdar:


    I couldn’t get any names that I wanted. They were all taken. So my dude is Raethdar. A few time I forgot to respond to people talking to me because of my kinda gay name. I don’t really know if I dig this Everquest thing yet.

    It’s kind of like how I feel about Enterprise. That new Star Trek show, that doesn’t have the words Star Trek in the title. I will be watching it tonight. I just don’t like the singing in the opening music. Time will tell if it’s any good.

    Views: 1,303
    Saturday October 6th 2001
    E-Mail Problems 4:25 am-
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    I had screwed up something big time for people who use the Hotelblues.com E-mail. It’s fixed now. But if I ever fubar it again you can bookmark this: Hotelblues.com E-mail. Sorry if this has been a problem for anyone.

    Views: 818
    Monday October 8th 2001
    Sticking It To Me 4:31 am-
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    So it seems “they” are sticking it to me. My hours have been cut. Instead of working four days at 10 hours a pop “they” have shaved a hour off of each day. So goodbye 40 hours a week and hello 36 hours a week. Not counting the week when I get three days, because of the rotation of days.

    What can I do? Besides having my attitude problem flare up. I filed my claim to the Department Of Labor about not getting breaks. So I wait now to see what happens with that. I’m also going to check if I can get unemployment. Fuck “them”, those bastards can expect a lot more attitude from me.

    Views: 1,284
    Saturday October 13th 2001
    New Drug 11:53 pm-
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    Well the good news is I have kicked my Everquest habit. The bad news is I’m addicted to another mmorpg. This one is called the Dark Age of Camelot. This one just went live a week ago or so. It’s fun. And it’s not like Everquest. Here are a few snaps of the game:

    One Two

    New game, so that lets me have my moniker I use here. Which I was happy about. It’s a little more friendly to the people who want to go out on their own. I happen to fit into that anti-social group. I have to get ready for work, but I will be talking about this some more.

    Views: 1,108
    Wednesday October 17th 2001
    To Lazy To Write Ross 5:07 am-
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    Well I have been really bad as of late about responding to e-mails and I have been really bad about updating the website. So I’m going to kill two birds with one stone.

    Ross one of these days I got to come and visit again. I had a lot of fun the last time I saw you and the wife. Not much is going on here in my fiefdom. I have gave up my idea of fighting “them”. My oldman advised me that it was a no win scenario. But I’m having some trouble being one of the team.

    I think that subconsciously my brain won’t let me be one of those team players. Yeah maybe some psychological help could be in order. It’s just that one side of me thinks that just doing what they want is a good idea. But that other part of me ends up saying stuff I hadn’t planed on saying. I even realize this while I say some of the shit I shouldn’t. I think to myself damn what made just say “the managers are all pussies.”

    As far you sounding like Dennis Miller, to me I have always felt you sound like Mr. Miller. You know a lot of shit. Half the time I have to look up some of the references you make. The other half of the time I try to pretend I know what your talking about and then go look it up.

    Sorry for my lazy ways. I’m so into this damn Dark Age Of Camelot online rpg. It’s all I do when I’m at home. Later man.

    Views: 899
    Monday October 22nd 2001
    TOUCHDOWN 7:05 pm-
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    Fuck me. I’m really trying to be a “team” player. But I’m doing really bad. I’m not a team player. It’s one of those fact things. Anyway here is what my “coach” had to say (and this is supposed to be a pep talk, I think):

    I am the Coach of the Team, I would coach, teach and train all of you to make the TOUCHDOWN. YOU ARE THE ONE THAT IS GOING TO MAKE THE TOUCHDOWN. TOUCHDOWN TO ALL OF US MEANS A HAPPY AND SATISFIED GUEST.

    “TOUCHDOWN TO ALL OF US…” Oh Jesus H. Christ. I have read this two page note (that among other things says we are switching brands) many times and I still don’t feel inspired to be one of the team.

    “TOUCHDOWN TO ALL OF US…” does that sound foreign to you? Just wondering. If you could only see the insipid coach who wrote this dreck. Sorry that was a random thought.

    “Coach” also has an ad in the paper for night auditors. This has my Grandma all shook up (Uh-Huh). Me? I don’t know how I feel. It’s not sending that team vibe to me.

    Speaking of getting lots of team spirit (or the lack hereof) I got paid today. I had about 56 hours total and cleared 23,234.20 Pakistani rupees (Remember this isn’t something I’m supposed to talk about). I went with Pakistani rupees to be different. That means I make 542.13 Pakistani rupees a hour. Whoo! This neat Currency Conversion thing is fun.

    Views: 2,328
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