Its to bad that the Preacher is not going to look at the site again, because I did not mean to scare him off. I hope he doesn’t take me for the Anti-Christ. The guy should have e-mailed me if he wanted to talk. That’s my main problem with people like him. They don’t make it easy to talk to them. The way he handled it shows me that this is a person that doesn’t want to here another persons opinion. Me hell I’m open minded. You ask any of my friends. If I wasn’t open minded to this whole topic would I waste the space on my website for it? No.
What else I don’t get is why if God did make all of this and that includes me and all the rest of humanity why is he such a unforgiving god? Keep in mind I’m not doing any research into this, its just me typing away. If you believe in god and do what he tells you to do you get to go to heaven. That’s the basic premise right? Ok so if you don’t believe in god you either go to hell or you can change your mind and embrace god as your lord and savior. But if I was god and I created everything and I was all knowing I would cut some slack for the people that didn’t believe in me. It just doesn’t make sense. Also I’m supposed to just change my belief just so I can go to heaven? I can’t do that. I can honestly say with out a doubt I don’t believe in the god in the bible. And I would not change my opinion on my death bed just to get into heaven.
Another thing, why is it that just because I would like to believe in other worlds and other possible life forms I have to believe in god? Science shows that with the right distance from a star and with that special primordial soup the possibilities of life springing up on other planets should be something that could happen. I treat aliens and other worlds the same way as I treat god, I will believe it when I see it. But, I can believe in little green men and other worlds that support life because they are concepts that are shown can happen with science. We and our Earth are proof of that. Of course this all depends on how you look at it. Believe what you want. I’m not trying to tell you I’m right and that this guy is wrong. You have freewill so use it to make your own decisions. read a little and find out. Never listen to just one person and take it face value.