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  • Monday May 20th 2024
    Work Pooping 3:19 pm-
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    It is a well know fact I was a huge fan of pooping at work. There is something about getting paid to take a shit and wipe your ass on the company dime.

    Now that I don’t work pooping just isn’t the same.

    Views: 292
    Friday December 31st 2010
    Memo Time 12:02 am-
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    Memo Time! This shit gets thrown up on the back of the door into the front desk office. It’s not like they want to draw attention to this kind of news. The bits I like are below and the bolded stuff was done by me:

    This hotel is in a transition period. With the loss of <Name Removed> and the slowdown in business travel, the guest service and overall value that we offer our customers must be better than ever. I am confident that <Name Removed> knowledge and experience will enable us to do just that.

    So now I this read as we (the peons) have to do more work. For those of you not counting at home it’s about 2 years and 6 months since my last raise from this hotel. So they (the bosses) expect more work for no more pay. This hotel is slowly starting to get to me.

    Views: 1,337
    Thursday September 17th 2009
    Three Years Ago 11:59 pm-
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    Time flies when your having fun. Below is the audio recording of the phone call of me getting “fired” by my then boss the sheriff:

    Played [drain file 48 hits] Times

    I listen to that every now and then to make myself chuckle. I love the reason given to why I was “fired”:

    they they deemed that the morale of the team would be better without you

    That bit still makes me laugh out loud.

    Because I keep forgetting and Gawain reminded me here is G’s remix of the above call:

    [audio:Turk Gets Fired (GTB remix).mp3]
    Played [drain file 63 hits] Times

    Views: 990
    Saturday September 5th 2009
    Ramada Owners Removed! 8:09 am-
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    Man I’m smiling on the inside and the outside. Two news articles to link and do minor quoting. First the links. Missed payment costs Ramada owners and Court names receiver for Ramada. The Rockford paper has the better article so I’ll use that one. Here is the good shit right off the bat:

    The owners of the Ramada Inn and Conference Center were removed Thursday night after failing to make a payment to the city.

    Owners Nooruddin and Farida Sadruddin (Tejany) were removed from the premises, and court-appointed receiver M. Neal Eckard, president of Nationwide Asset Management Group LLC, took over the hotel.

    Good riddance! Hot damn! It goes onto say:

    Eckard will run the Ramada Inn until it is in foreclosure; then the hotel will be for sale.

    Now its auction time again and you got to hold your breath something worse than these fucking idiots buy it up again.

    “We called over there; they said they were going to bring a check right over,” Kirichkow said. “Obviously, that didn’t happen.”

    Manager Zar Zahid told the City Council she was trying to buy the hotel, but Kirichkow said she was removed from the hotel Thursday with the owners.

    They even threw out the cousin/sister/aunt that was trying to save the hotel. This chick was going to turn the place around. She did a wonderful job didn’t she folks?

    Kirichkow said the situation is good for the city.

    “We’re guaranteed to get paid now. The court will see we get paid,” Kirichkow said. He’s confident the hotel will be under new ownership soon.

    “It seems nothing but positive from this day forward,” Kirichkow said.

    Kirichkow is a dreamer. These douche bags they just threw out were in the worst hotel ever because of a similar situation. In 2002 Tejany bought it for less than 2.3 million dollars way back in 2002. The place surely won’t get 2.3 million here in 2009. Only trash worse (and/or related) to the kicked out owners would buy that shitheap the worst hotel over. No I hope someone buys it and tears it down and builds a parking lot. Only then will the damage done by these removed owners begin to heal.

    Views: 1,182
    Thursday August 20th 2009
    Hotel Fail 2:07 am-
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    I had to go get a crib for a guest and this below is what I saw:

    Hotel Fail 1 Hotel Fail 2

    It made me think of the pictures the Fail Blog has. I imagine you got to blame dumb bellman. I’m glad whomever did it can’t read. It gave me a good laugh.

    Views: 974
    Tuesday August 18th 2009
    Burn Baby Burn 8:07 am-
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    The worst hotel ever is on fire. The below pictures were taken just 20 minutes ago:

    Fire-001 Fire-002 Fire-003 Fire-004

    The title is just a dream of mine unfortunately. The real story is that the worst hotel ever just had a clothes dryer have a small fire. That was coming from the guy parked next to me who was listening to a scanner. This little dryer fire had South Beloit, Rockton, and Beloit fire departments come to the scene.

    I do admit I got my hopes up when I came down the road from the interstate and saw fire trucks at the hotel. I still hope that one way or another that damn worst hotel ever gets whats coming to it.

    Views: 905
    Thursday August 6th 2009
    Taxes On Track 12:16 am-
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    Bad news for me good news for the worst hotel ever in a Business Rockford articles called Ramada Inn’s taxes back on track.

    The previous owners had failed to pay their bills to the city since October and were facing foreclosure.

    And as long as the new manager, Zar Zaid, keeps making the payments on time, the city will not revoke the hotel’s liquor license.

    I have faith that this Zar Zaid will continue to fuck things up and the worst hotel ever will resume it’s swirl down the toliet.

    Views: 806
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