Previously posted on my seven month anniversary at the new hotel:
I expect a few things from the people who employ me. Reviews and Raises. I expect that after a persons been at a hotel they get a review six months in. I like getting told how I’m doing now and then as it shows me that the managers/owners may actually give a shit about how the hotel is run. It seem like they (management) would want to evaluate the employees they have at least every now and then. The raise of course would be tied into the review. Now I’m not expecting a raise every six months. I personally would be happy with a raise every year.
This is a retraction of sorts of the above statement. I just find it hard to forget my own history. To forget the way things are run at the worst hotel ever. For the record the last time I got a raise at the worst hotel ever it still was a Holiday Inn and it was not run by the worthless fucks that run it now. So my way of thinking is that I have to beat around the bush with the people who run things. I have to threaten and beg. These were the things one has to do to get a raise at the worst hotel ever.
It was something I was doing at the new hotel. I started a campaign of sorts in the form of emails to my boss at the new hotel. The idea was to drop hints at what I wanted, at first. Then later as I progressed in my campaign I would then threaten and beg. First line of attack was a reminder on how long I have worked for them.
Date: Apr 24, 2007 11:34 PM
Subject: Start Date?FDM,
Can you give me my start date. I can guesstimate. But I would like to know the exact date.
What I got back was short and to the point. No bullshit at all. And I figured there would be bullshit.
To: Turk
Date: Apr 25, 2007 8:37 AM
Subject: Re: Start Date?Start date 9/27/06
So the next step in my campaign was to remind about my need for insurance.
Date: Jun 1, 2007 6:26 AM
Subject: Insurance?FDM,
I’m eight months in now and was wondering what the official status of employee insurance is? I know you mentioned it may get axed. But I’ve yet to see any memo stating so. Because I’m of course interested in getting insurance if it has not been cut as a benefit.
The response again was to the point and free of any bullshit:
To: Turk
Date: Jun 1, 2007 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: Insurance?The company no longer offers insurance to employees, due to cost. You will have a pay rate increase of $0.50. It will show on your check on Friday. I will see you on Monday.
Not only did the message answer me it also completely stopped my campaign. I hadn’t even got to the wanting more money phase of my campaign. It was a few phases before money would even come up. It also made me realize that I have made a series of bad judgment calls.
The first mistake on my part is to assume that this new hotel will become anything like the worst hotel ever. The second mistake I’ve made is the thought that I need to beat around the bush with these people. They are not the managers and owners of the worst hotel ever and I should not treat them like they are.
My way of thinking has took a huge hit. I need to rethink everything about how I think about hotels. I basically have to relearn everything there is to learn about how a hotel works. I have to stop comparing the new hotel and it’s mangers and owners with the worst hotel ever or I’ll never survive there.