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  • Tuesday November 4th 2008
    Voting Today? 1:14 am-
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    And here is me and Gawain in a public service announcement about voting:

    [00:02] Turk: so you voting today?
    [00:03] Gawain: no
    [00:03] Gawain: the only way to win is not to play.
    [00:03] Turk: really? sitting this one out?
    [00:03] Gawain: I’m sitting them all out from now on.
    [00:04] Turk: I’m going to vote with my dad in the morning
    [00:04] Turk: going to throw in with Abama
    [00:06] Gawain: Obama.
    [00:06] Gawain: lol
    [00:06] Gawain: you kill me.
    [00:06] Turk: whatever
    [00:06] Gawain: hahahahahah
    [00:06] Gawain: whatever.
    [00:06] Gawain: hahahahahah
    [00:07] Turk: at least I’m not voting for an old fuck and a dumb twat
    [00:07] Gawain: thats true. I approve you not voting for the retard and the old guy.

    Vote Abama!

    Views: 998
    Whack Jobs 9:46 am-
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    Just got back from voting with my Dad. My Dad had mentioned the other day that this whack job that had a truck parked on someone’s lawn that spouted some bullshit about Obama. I just had to get photos of it to show the people who know me on the net just what kind of people live in my area.

    WMCA Whack Jobs 1 WMCA Whack Jobs 2 WMCA Whack Jobs 3 WMCA Whack Jobs 4

    Honestly wow. I don’t usually throw my hat in the political arena but it’s scary some people think like this. Fuck these WMCA assholes. Just so I’m clear on how I think.

    Views: 1,059
    Thursday November 13th 2008
    The New Enterprise 7:29 am-
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    There it is.

    New Movie Enterprise

    The new James Bond movie has a trailer for the new Trek movie. I think the nacelles look funny.

    Views: 743
    Saturday November 15th 2008
    Left 4 Dead 12:36 am-
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    So I preordered Left 4 Dead so I could get the demo early. The game is a survival horror shooter that plays out like you’re in a zombie movie. The loading screen even shows a movie poster and displays the players name as if they were the movie stars playing the rolls in the movie. After a short cinematic you’re left on the roof of an apartment building and the demo begins.

    Loading Screen Roof Start Action Shot 1 Action Shot 2 Action Shot 3 Action Shot 4

    It’s a hell of a lot a fun when you play with other people. But the bots do hold their own as well. The demo is 2 levels and the full game is out on the 18th.

    Views: 767
    Friday November 28th 2008
    The Year In Review 2008 10:53 pm-
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    It is now ten years ago that I first got fired from the worst hotel ever. Ten years ago. It just doesn’t seem that long ago. At the time it was a big deal I suppose. The first time is always the worst. The second time I got fired was much easier. I suppose if I was fired again it would even be easier. In fact if there is a next time I don’t even want the boss to have to give some bullshit excuse. Just tell me I’m fired and tell me to get the fuck out of the building.

    Not that I think I’m going to get shit canned again. But I don’t really worry. I think there is a bigger chance that the new depression kicks in and the hotel industry dies in my local area. That would be such a horrible way to get fired. Something like that I have no part to play on the firing. I want to know that I’ve at least done something worthy of getting fired for. Like posting about how much the owners are douche bags or posting the memoirs of the ex account manager of the hotel.

    Which really is my problem. This new hotel is just so good. There is nothing that irrates me. My boss is competent. For the most part my co-workers are not idiots. I have nothing to bitch about. That bothers me. I think I need to have the idiots and douche bags for me to be un happy at work. Which is to say I’m happy at work. It’s an odd feeling for me.

    And that sums up my year in review. Everything is fine and it just throws me off.

    Views: 1,262
    November 2008
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