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  • Saturday June 2nd 2001
    Low Tolerance 3:48 am-
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    Well I’m still on track with my non-smoking life. I also have cut out the drinking. I can say that I don’t miss smoking. Drinking I do miss. Of course It’s not the actual drinking part that I miss. It’s the comradeship I miss. Of course not that the comradeship of late has been all that great.

    Drinking with a bunch of kids just doesn’t do it. Not much I can really do to change that though. I do get to have some fun every once in awhile. I have an invite from the Ross’s I plan to take advantage of soon. Me and the Isley’s go out for dinner every now and then also.

    But I suspect that part of the “problem” is me. The bar scene just isn’t fun anymore. Maybe I’m finally getting old? I do use the phrase “kids these days” a lot more than I probably should. Maybe I had to much fun back in the old days. I don’t really know what’s wrong with me. Maybe it’s because June is the ten year anniversary of me graduating from high school. This of course ties in with the age thing. I’m going to be thirty next year.

    I have found now that I don’t drink that I can’t stand drunk people. When I drank I could tolerate them. Now I can’t deal with them. Drunk people just annoy the hell out of me.

    I think I know what the real problem is. I just don’t want to talk about it. Or even admit that it is a problem. Cryptic. More on this train of thought later.

    Views: 1,015
    June 2001
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