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  • Thursday November 1st 2001
    The Old F&B 5:24 am-
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    The old F&B has quit. This happened a week ago or so. I have been waiting on saying anything because I wanted to talk to him. He had been here a long time. Maybe more than five years. And for the hotel that’s a long time. I’m going to write something that isn’t the norm for me. I’ve done it once before. I feel that it’s one of those things that needs to be done.

    The old F&B is a nice guy. What can I say? He knows his shit and is good at what he does. He was one of those managers I could rant to about the shit that went on and knew he wouldn’t nark on me. So I can say I will miss him. People like him are hard to come by.

    I’m not going to run on about this. I wrote a shitload when the gm left. But the gm was given a lot of shit here at the site. It should be mentioned the F&B was the only manager to visit the site and comment on it. That is without sneaking around. His visits here were upfront and documented. Check out Grossly Misinformed? and A Talk With The F and B to see what I mean.

    I wish him luck and I hope he doesn’t forget about me and the site. And for the record he’s on the non excrement management list.

    Views: 1,567
    Friday November 2nd 2001
    My Sobos 1:44 am-
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    Lets take a break from me talking about those cowboy fucks and let me tell you how proud I am of the South Beloit Football team. My Sobos had a winning season this year(7-3). Their in a new conference and they lost the season ender against North Boone. North Boone became the first conference champ for this new conference.

    The Beloit Daily News has a few archived stories that are good reads. First the article that tells you about how the “SoBos crush Raiders in 1A playoff opener“(41-0!). Then read about the Sobos upcoming second playoff game this Saturday called “SoBos still search for respect“.

    So my hats off to Coach Drew Potthoff and his team. Some of the players names you should know: Jason Goldsworthy, Dujuan Listenbee, Jered Shipley, Jacob Dunkel,and Gary Eschen. I pulled these names out of the Daily News stories. I have missed all the games. Also remember I’m ten years out of it. So if anybody was forgotten it was an accident. Keep it up Sobos. Never forget what you have done.

    Views: 960
    Quitting 8:12 am-
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    I’m attempting to quit smoking and to stop drinking. I’ve made it one night. That’s 24 hours. No smokes. No drink. And when I say no drink, I mean I have not had any pop through the night. If you don’t know me, let me tell you I’ve been Mountain Dews bitch for a long time.

    I think I will have an easier time quitting smoking than I will with leaving my Mountain Dew. So like I said I’ve done it for a whole day. I’m not sure if I can keep it up. It’s really easy now. This is my fourth night. When seven comes this morning I’m off for four days. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday off. That’s why it’s easy. I’m broke. I have 52 cents in pocket change. I get paid on Monday.

    Usually the act of talking about it jinxes me. But I’m not going to worry about it.

    Views: 1,030
    Saturday November 3rd 2001
    Bladders And Such 5:41 pm-
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    Crackhead Bob returns. He’s trying to corner in on his own greatest hits. Bob brings up some of my habits, which includes massive binges of Mountain Dew:

    Hey turk what’s up. How long do you think you can go without drinking Mountain Dew. I hear from my sources that you bring a twelve pack with you almost every night and by the morning when you leave it is almost all gone. Is that really true? If it is then DAMN. I must praise you because if I were to do that I would be pissing all night and most of the day. Well I gotta go. I will talk to ya later.

    Well my bladder is trained after many years of hard drinking. I would bring in a twelve pack and leave in the morning with half of it gone. I’m still smoke and Mountain Dew free.

    Views: 868
    Monday November 5th 2001
    The GuestBook 2:58 pm-
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    I get back from some power Dark Age of Camelot playing and I find this in the GuestBook:

    The food and beverage director is gone? John? Bummer. You praise him, but he was a sexist pig. Just cuz he looked at your site doesn’t change the fact that he’s a louse.

    Hey let’s be clear ok? One man’s praise is a woman’s louse. And it’s as simple as that. Sexist pig? Maybe, but then any honest man has been a sexist pig now and then. I have thought things that would make me a sexist about some of my female chums. So it’s all a matter of perspective. I’m not saying that kind of thing is ok. Because it’s not.

    That’s why I don’t have many female chums. Joke. I don’t have any female chums. This topic is close to topics I would rather not talk about. I like him because he never did me wrong. He was always straight with me (as far as I know). He never did anything to my female chums (at the time) to have me think otherwise. That’s the wonderful thing isn’t it? We all are entitled to an opinion. And lets leave it at that.

    Views: 824
    Wednesday November 7th 2001
    Power Session 4:01 am-
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    Well my addiction to Dark Age of Camelot is getting worse. I recently put some major hours into playing my character. I even have joined a guild. Me Mr. Anti-Social is playing well with others. I am starting to see the benefits of playing with others.

    The guild makes it even easier to get a group going. And while you can play DAoC solo. Grouping is more efficient. When you group you get bonus exp based on how big your party is. I made two level in one sitting.

    My bad ass Turk the Mercenary is now level 10. And 10th level is when you really start to get going. I can use chain mail and have the ability to dual wield weapons. Geek stuff? Yes. But I’m having a blast. I have a dilemma though. I get to give my dude a last name now, exept I have no idea what it should be. When I get home I will slap up some more screen shots.

    Views: 968
    Thursday November 8th 2001
    More Liars In The News 3:11 am-
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    Holiday Inn to become Ramada next week is the link of the day/night. What can I say? Other than “I told you so!” Here’s a lovely quote from the piece:

    “Ishak became general manager Sept. 13 when DePalma Hotel Corp., based in Arlington, Texas, took over management of the Holiday Inn, located at 200 Dearborn Ave., South Beloit.”

    Well shit that’s news to me. Yeah I know the dude has been here and he’s the guy in charge. But I missed the memo telling how he’s the GM. Wait, there was no such memo. This is another case of flat out lying. These cowboys are starting to make it a habit.

    Views: 977
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