This below is an instant message I got from an old DAoC guildie (take note of the name of said guildie) regarding my activities in City of Heroes.
[12:25] Antiroleplay: so i hear you’re a roleplayer!!!1111
[12:25] *** Auto-response sent to Antiroleplay: Playing City of Heroes. My global chat handle is @Turk
[12:26] Antiroleplay: it’s true!
Next I have a screenshot. Nothing special about it. Unless you zoom in to the full size image and read the text in yellow.
I wonder where Anti heard this information? Below is an in game chat log from the guild chat channel that is mandatory you stay in character.
[SuperGroup]Sofie La Mystere: No wonder no one eever finds this guy, living in ze sewers for 200 years, I wouldn’t want to find ‘im either.
[SuperGroup]Nick Wicked: Oi don’ know what you wuz expectin. It’s the bloody sewers after all, eh?
[SuperGroup]Sofie La Mystere: eh? Another english?
[SuperGroup]Sofie La Mystere: sounds more…canadian.
[SuperGroup]Nick Wicked: Pfft.
[SuperGroup]Sofie La Mystere: Your canadian eh?
[SuperGroup]Nick Wicked: Oim Nick Wicked, an’ Oim a bleedin Rock star, mate.
[SuperGroup]Sofie La Mystere: hm..
[SuperGroup]Nick Wicked: Canada! Oi nevah ‘erd such a thing.
[SuperGroup]Sofie La Mystere: ah’ve never ‘eard of you.
And here is my in game tell to this “Nick Wicked” person.
[Tell]–>Nick Wicked: your such a putz
[Tell]Nick Wicked: hahahahahaha
So you see I’m not the roleplayer here. I just don’t swing that way. Unlike Nick Wicked.