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    Day Three
    Wednesday July 5th 2006

    Ok, now I am told initially that I can leave at 2 on Wednesday so I make plans to interview somewhere else because this job cannot be salvaged. The cheerful GM pops his head in around 9am and tells me that the Prince of Darkness is coming this afternoon and I should “make plans” to be here. Now remember this is my 3rd day and the 1st time I actually see the GM pop out from behind his curtain.

    We have our first fight. I can’t stay I tell him. His face turns bright red and he gets really really angry at me. He says some things that he will soon regret. He loses his cool and it only took 5 minutes. I see his weakness (he talks before he thinks). That is why he likes to write messages (which later help sink his boat). He leaves and goes into his office (I follow him) he calls the Prince to complain about me (he doesn’t know that I am listening) I pretend to be looking for office supplies outside his door (he doesn’t know I am standing there listening) and he tells his first lie about me. He says to the Prince that he told me my hours are 8-5 M-F. This is a lie.

    I run back to my office and call the Prince on his cell phone (2 can play this game) he answers the cell phone and I can hear him talking to the GM. He tells the GM that it is fine about me leaving at 2 – just relax. The Prince tells the GM he will be at the hotel around noon and everything will be ok. I hang up and the GM never knows that I talked to the Prince too. A little while later the GM pops out from behind the curtain again and here is the conversation:

    GM: can you get me a payroll form?
    TT: what kind of payroll form?
    GM: the kind for new employees
    TT: do you know what it looks like?
    GM: show me some that you have
    TT: where are they kept?
    GM: I don’t know
    TT: what are they used for?
    GM: payroll
    TT: where are the payroll files kept?
    GM: you don’t know?
    TT: do you?
    GM: I wouldn’t be asking if I did (this is a lie, he knows they are in admin secretaries office)
    TT: ok I am done playing this game with you
    GM: Have you talked to Prince about leaving early?
    TT: have you?

    And so it goes like this for the next week, double talk, lies, deceit, backstabbing, double crossing, hiding, watching, spying, calling, tattling, etc etc.

    Who suddenly appears, the limp noodle. She has been gone for about a half hour doing who knows what. I tell her about the conversation with the GM and she tells me that she works 45 hours per week regularly. I ask her how is that possible when she leaves early 2 days a week and she comes in late everyday. She seems stumped by my boldness and doesn’t respond. When she goes to lunch I find the timecards and look at hers for the last several months. FACT: she worked between 30-35 hours per week and was paid for 40.

    Finally, it hits me. He knows she is disgruntled, he has agreed to let her leave early knowing that very little or at least only the minimum is getting done. He is using her to prove his point: The Indians suck. They don’t pay bills, they treat employees like shit, the place is being run into the ground, etc etc. So, why is he here? POWER.

    Finally, it is the afternoon of Day 3 and the Prince arrives about 30 minutes before I leave. I told him how the GM has been treating me all day and that he is extremely rude and arrogant towards me. The Prince explains that the GM is basically powerless, they have taken his balls and spine and he is just a puffed up sack of shit. To prove this we (me, the Prince, the GM and <Name Removed>) have a meeting where the GM is (to put it mildly) reamed. He turns bright red and stutters and stammers as the Indians go at him until he can’t talk anymore. He is down but not out (yet).

    So Day 3 comes to a close for me – I can only hope Day 4 is as productive. The wet noodle has already left – she took an hour and a half for lunch and still left at 2, so I leave.

    Day Four
    Thursday July 6th 2006

    I have an idea. Who knows more about what is going on here than the GM’s secretary? no one So I decide to have a little talk with her. I catch her as she goes outside on one of her cigarette breaks. I chit chat a little about her leaving then I go right to work on her. So what is the GM really like? I ask her and I swear to God this is what she said: He is a liar. I have heard him lie about every single person who works here. He is evil, she says. He does evil things and says evil things. She gives me some examples and I am shocked. So the day goes pretty much like the last 3. We count alot of money, open alot of mail, do alot of nothing. Tomorrow is my first day alone. I can’t wait.

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