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  • Tuesday December 20th 2022
    Photo of the Day 4:26 pm-
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    My dad and I joined the YMCA. I was sick of walking in the cold. Three miles inside isn’t so bad.

    YMCA Track Rules

    It helps of course I’m listening to music/podcasts/audiobooks. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy radio play is what I’m currently listening to.

    Views: 2,557
    Wednesday November 9th 2022
    Morning Walk 3:46 pm-
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    Picture from my morning walk.

    Morning Walk
    Views: 1,606
    Sunday May 30th 2010
    Charred 3:28 am-
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    I found this funnier than maybe I should have:

    Owen Lars & Aunt Beru (charred)

    I laugh every time I look at it. What exactly does that say about me?

    Views: 2,795
    Thursday August 20th 2009
    Hotel Fail 2:07 am-
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    I had to go get a crib for a guest and this below is what I saw:

    Hotel Fail 1 Hotel Fail 2

    It made me think of the pictures the Fail Blog has. I imagine you got to blame dumb bellman. I’m glad whomever did it can’t read. It gave me a good laugh.

    Views: 1,010
    Tuesday August 18th 2009
    Burn Baby Burn 8:07 am-
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    The worst hotel ever is on fire. The below pictures were taken just 20 minutes ago:

    Fire-001 Fire-002 Fire-003 Fire-004

    The title is just a dream of mine unfortunately. The real story is that the worst hotel ever just had a clothes dryer have a small fire. That was coming from the guy parked next to me who was listening to a scanner. This little dryer fire had South Beloit, Rockton, and Beloit fire departments come to the scene.

    I do admit I got my hopes up when I came down the road from the interstate and saw fire trucks at the hotel. I still hope that one way or another that damn worst hotel ever gets whats coming to it.

    Views: 944
    Saturday March 28th 2009
    An Old Brochure 7:58 pm-
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    Me and the Newb celebrated out birthday yesterday by going to a micro brewery pup type place. Some of his old Mernards buddies came out to celebrate. One of them asked about the old Holiday Inn brochure that features the Newb on the front. Here is a scan of that brochure:


    This brochure is from a different time and place that does not exist anymore in the hollow shell that is the worst hotel ever.

    Views: 996
    Friday December 19th 2008
    Stuck 10:15 am-
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    It’s December. I hate the snow. Big snow storm hit us last night. I made it all the way home from Janesville on the I-90 Interstate. The trip to and from home to work is about 20 miles each way. I made the trip home only to get stuck as I started to pull into my driveway.

    Stuck 1 Stuck 2 Stuck 3 Stuck 4 Stuck 5 Stuck 6

    The odd thing about December is that I love Christmas. Been listening to the Bing Crosby X-Mas music any time I’m in the car. But as soon as X-Mas morning hits the mood is lost. You may notice the javascript snow is back too. So Merry Christmas to everyone!

    Views: 1,248
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