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  • Saturday August 8th 1998
    About The Botched Union Attempt 3:00 am-
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    I was thinking about the whole union fiasco, and came up with this observation (my opinion manager types).

    First, the person who contacted the union people did not have a burning passion to see change in the hotel. When I say this I mean that they gave up to fast. Also the person in question was to frightened buy the possibility of getting fired because of his or her actions. If you are going to do something like contacting a union you have to not be afraid of what could happen, and a Fuck You Attitude™ is required. Sometimes change is a violent thing, just as the act of creation is. One must struggle with the knowledge that what you are attempting could hurt your fellow employees. Like say for instance the Engineering dept. If a union came in it would hurt those guys a lot. Their hands would be tied as to what they could do. I have friends in the before mentioned engineering dept., but I know for a change for the better will have causalities. I am willing to make that sacrifice if I attempt a union.

    Second, the union that was contacted were worthless swine. They knew as much about organizing as do I. But learned a few things from what these supposed pros did. Hypothetically if I was to contact a union I would first look into the possible union choices. I would hypothetically pick say the Ufcw-The United Food and Commercial Workers International Union. Which includes Hotels, such as say a Holiday Inn. Hypothetically speaking of course.

    Now you probably want to know where I’m going with all this. And I’ll tell you where I’m going with this. I’m going for a comedic closing with my patented and trademarked wit and sarcasm and a pinch of my Fuck You Attitude™.

    Me being the eternal company man would do this for my beloved hotel. I would offer the management a chance of paying me off, to forgo any lawyer bills they may pick trying to seek help in fighting the union. Say a flat under the table Five Hundred Bucks to keep me from doing anything related to union organizing. This is all hypothetically speaking of course. Because would I like some Republic Pictures bad guy tell my plans of world domination to the good guy so that he could stop me? No. Again this is all hypothetically speaking of course.

    Views: 967
    Wednesday August 12th 1998
    Sobo Links 3:00 am-
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    Fuck, look out world the Sobos are on the net. That is a scary thought. Bradley a nice kid I know because of Troy had come over and was telling about the Sobos on the net. Bradley has a page called the South Beloit Student Pages.

    Then we have a page that the teachers did. I had to laugh because the calendar of events page was last updated in February. And I’m not even that bad.

    Finally we have a page done by an Alumni before my time. That has to do with reunions and alumni. I thought it was funny not to many of my classmates have seen this page. I guess not to many of them are computer literate.

    Views: 796
    Friday August 14th 1998
    People I Can Talk To And Shakespeare 3:00 am-
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    Thats another thing I’ve been meaning to comment on. Its not often a guy can talk Shakespeare with someone who works at the hotel. But it happened last night. And I have been meaning to mention these two any way. I think its been long enough that one can comment on these two and not know. Ericka and Scott.

    Ericka and Scott are two very interesting people. And I am honoured to call them friends, beer makes me sentimental. When I say this I don’t mean there are not others that do also. Lets start with Scott. This is a guy who with out a doubt proves chivalry is not dead. At first I just thought of Scott as just an okay guy. But later when his courting of Ericka came out in the open I saw him in a whole new light.

    This is what made me change my opinion on him. Ericka has had a few problems with the men in her life, that is the ones I know are assholes. She had gone out with this ignorant brute named Wade. Wade as in wade through the grass, wade through the snow, etc. etc. etc. Well this guy has found out what a good thing he’s lost so he keeps on harassing her. Kinda of a big guy, too. So this one time Scott had called Ericka up on the phone and he could tell that she was having a hard time with Wade. So what does this guy do? Did I mention Wade had another Cro-Magnon there with him? Scott decides he’s driving over there to see if Ericka’s okay. Scott gets there and is greeted by these two fucks. they basically tell him to butt out and to leave. Well Scott is ready to take both of these goons on because he sees that their putting Ericka through some shit. Did I mention Scott is a small guy? Wade and the other fucko end up throwing Scott out of Ericka’s place. Literally throw him down the stairs. So Scott left and did the only natural thing, he went and got reinforcements. Scott is a hell of a guy. And he knows his Shakespeare.

    What can I say about Ericka without sounding a little jealous of Scott? She is a great person. She’s smart and Downright cool. And if there was any specific type of women I was attracted to it would be women like Ericka. I think thats all I need to say. That And I shouldn’t update the site while drinking.

    Views: 904
    Drunk! 3:00 am-
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    Nanno Nanno. Greetings Earthlings. I come in peace. Sorry, I have had one to many beers all ready this morning and am feeling goofy. Just kidding. I received a letter from a certain employee today that I had to put up. Go check it out at Two Cents a new section for other people to speak their mind. And any one who wants their two cents just e-mail me their piece and I will put it on that page.

    Views: 794
    Tuesday August 18th 1998
    Bad News, Good News 3:00 am-
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    On Sunday the 16th Sarah from the front desk was in a car crash. She is doing better now, but it was serious enough of an injury. She had internal bleeding and she ruptured her spleen. Not being a doctor that sounded pretty bad to me. The doctors even were talking about how they might not be able to save her spleen. In the end the doctor did save it.

    The whole thing has weirded me out. The last time I saw Sarah prior to the accident we were discussing Hamlet. I lately haven’t been able to get the line “alas poor Yorick. I knew him well Horitio”. Which is about death. The whole fucking play is about death. Sarah responded to me by reciting the beginning of the “to be or not to be speech”, again about death. So I just thought it was weird. maybe its just me.

    That was the bad news. The good news is that I got to meet all of Sarah’s family. Lets see we got her mom Terry. Dad Jon and stepmom Tina. then their is sister Jenny and her boyfriend Nate. Oh yeah I forgot about Bob. They are all interesting people. Funny bunch.

    Sarah will be in the hospital for about a week. Then she has to be off for six to eight weeks. She will pull through. Me and the other Chris(who I’ve decided is now dubbed Kansas. to avoid confusion) call her Atilla, as in Atilla the Hun. I would like to claim credit, but it was Kansas’s idea.

    Views: 1,139
    Wednesday August 19th 1998
    The Way It Is 3:00 am-
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    A few things, If anyone cares I updating under the influence again. Yes my vast readership I’m drunk as a skunk. If this doesn’t get some word of mouth extra hits, then I fucking give up.

    Not enough of you bastards have been checking out this page, hence the reason it first pops up now. By the way if your keeping track I’m on my fifth beer.

    Also, lately I feel I’ve held back because of the F&B reading this page. Hey John if you still look at this shit drop me a line!

    Views: 833
    Friday August 21st 1998
    Happy Birthday Ericka 3:00 am-
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    Here’s A real quick one. Happy birthday Ericka.

    Views: 922
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