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    Friday February 29th 2008
    My Emo 360 5:15 am-
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    My 360 is emo. At least according to my 360voice.com blog I signed up for when I got it:

    I have come to realize that turk1701 has no soul… and his heart is a twisted black mass of evil. To never play a game is my new eternity!

    Poor thing. It’s not my fault there isn’t anything I want to play that has come out since Mass Effect.

    Views: 1,384
    Bad Dream 12:20 am-
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    Here is the nightmare I had:

    It starts out like some hot sex dream. Harpy Number One is naked and ready and willing. She smiles as I take my clothes off. When I’m naked she starts to laugh and says “You have a little dick!” laughing so hard she falls off the bed. Which is when I wake up.

    What the fuck is my subconscious trying to tell me here?

    Views: 1,010
    Thursday February 28th 2008
    This And That 2:04 am-
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    Been a while. I’m updating for the sole reason being I’m taking WordPress 2.5 Beta 1 for a spin here on my live site. I like some of the changes to the backend. Only a few things about the write and edit pages I don’t like. I love the changes to the actual edit box on the write/edit post pages. Now I just need someone to come up with a dropdown menu plugin that is compatible with 2.5 and I’m all good.

    Views: 1,315
    Thursday January 31st 2008
    Ten Years Old 5:09 pm-
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    Ten years. One decade. My god why have I been wasting my time with this for so long? Ten years of this and what has it got me? Nothing other than the loser claim of being fired twice because of it. Hurray! I just can’t seem to say much more than that.

    Views: 1,329
    Wednesday January 23rd 2008
    Still Not News 12:01 am-
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    Actor Heath Ledger dies at 28. He died. It should be news one day tops. Not the weeks and weeks of fucking tabloid gossip about this dumb sonofabitch. Other than A Knights Tale I wasn’t a fan. I’m as excited about his Joker as I was about his gay cowboy.

    Views: 914
    Tuesday January 22nd 2008
    Snowed In 11:45 pm-
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    So it snowed a bit yesterday. Some jackass shoveled/plowed me in.

    One Two Three
    Four Five Six

    Bonus points for those knowing what the bumper sticker is about. What if it was a guests car? Which really doesn’t matter. How hard would it have been to come in and as about the car parked there “in the way” as it seems.

    Views: 1,200
    Saturday January 19th 2008
    Enterprise! 4:05 pm-
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    Here are picture from the new Star Trek movie trailer that played with Cloverfield. It is a good look at the USS Enterprise from the new movie.

    Enterprise Saucer Section 1 Enterprise Saucer Section 2 Enterprise Saucer Section 3 Enterprise Saucer Section 4 Enterprise Saucer Section 5
    Enterprise Back View 1 Enterprise Back View 2 Enterprise Back View 3
    Enterprise Far Shot Enterprise Hull Close Up

    Saw it over at TrekMovie.com. They released the trailer at the official site. So I downloaded it and took screen captures of what you can see of the Enterprise in the trailer. I’m just a huge geek.

    Views: 970
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