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  • Monday November 2nd 2009
    Borderlands 11:34 pm-
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    Wow what happened to October? Games happened. To many good games to play. Two in particular that grabbed me and took up my time. These two came out towards the end of October. Borderlands and Torchlight. Both of these games share a few things in common with the Diablo games. The only thing in common with Borderlands and Torchlight is that they both have loot. Wonderful abundant loot. But the similarities end there between the two games.

    Borderlands is first and foremost a first person shooter. It has a cell shaded style that may turn some off. I think it’s more of a comic book cross hatching style myself. You can see in the screenshots what I’m talking (maybe) about.

    Borderlands 2009-10-26 14-21-20-03.jpg Borderlands 2009-10-27 10-10-03-14.jpg

    Borderlands has a very light rpg mechanic pasted into the shooter. And these guys get it right by keeping the shooter aspects dominate and letting the rpg stuff be secondary. As mentioned Borderlands has loot. Lots and lots of loot. They borrow from Diablo and World of Warcraft so you if you played either of those the loot will look familiar. You got white vendor trash, green, blue, purple and orange items. Each color denotes a higher quality of item.

    ItemCard00000.jpg ItemCard00006.jpg ItemCard00008.jpg

    Borderlands is out now on the PC, Xbox 360, and PS3. Be warned despite what the developer of the game may say the pc version is port of the console game. It currently suffers from a number of problems and I suggest the console versions over the pc game.

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    Monday October 27th 2008
    Games In October 3:33 am-
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    The end of October has too many games coming out and not enough time to play them all.

    First on my list of was Fable 2. It game out on the 21st of this month. Great game. One of the ultimate rpg’s to just fuck around in. It has a great story as well. Coop is kinda shitty. It only lets one character be the hero with the dog. The second player is a generic henchman who can select a save game to funnel all gold and xp into. The camera can not be moved manually with the right stick. It can only be switched around by using the left button on the 360 controller. This is the same no matter if it’s local coop or online coop.

    Dead Space came out of now where. It is a survival horror game with a sci-fi setting. I can only describe it as an Alien/The Thing/Event Horizon inspired game that just blew me away in it’s awesomeness. The game is really creepy as fuck that really takes dismemberment to new levels as you fight your way through many nasty necromorph’s. I can’t recommend this one enough. And I don’t generally get into survival horror games.

    Now on the 28th of this month Fallout 3 hits. In preparation I bought Fallout and Fallout 2 off of GOG.com and have to quicly run through those again. Thanks to a handy High Resolution Patch for both games I can play those at higher resolutions than when the games first came out. Fallout 3 is developed by the guys that made Oblivion and hopefully it doesn’t end up feeling like an Oblivion mod.

    Warhammer Online is the one game I’ve been ignoring. It doesn’t look good for it. With Dead Space, Fable 2 , and Fallout 3 I just don’t have time to play. I may cancel if I get really into the games of October.

    Views: 880

    Thursday August 21st 2008
    My 360 Is Died? 2:39 pm-
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    Well my Xbox 360 is getting three rings of death. Which pisses me off. I just picked up Too Human. A game which despite the hype is kinda fun. My console is out of warranty. But for shits and giggles I filed a repair order with Microsoft. I’ve got 20 days after getting the box from them to send it back before the order is deleted. There is a chance I maybe covered because of the three rings problem I seem to be having. This sucks.

    Seems to be working again. I get the box on the 25th. Hopefully it keeps working.

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    Friday February 29th 2008
    My Emo 360 5:15 am-
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    My 360 is emo. At least according to my 360voice.com blog I signed up for when I got it:

    I have come to realize that turk1701 has no soul… and his heart is a twisted black mass of evil. To never play a game is my new eternity!

    Poor thing. It’s not my fault there isn’t anything I want to play that has come out since Mass Effect.

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    Friday September 28th 2007
    Halo 3 3:20 pm-
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    Honestly I hadn’t planned on getting it. But I did. And I’m glad I did. With Halo 3 I had low expectations. With one feature in particular it has me really liking the game. That is the Theater mode. In theater mode you can replay saved films. In these saved films you can take screenshots. Screenshots that can be uploaded onto the net. It maybe a minor thing to some. But I happen to love taking screens of the games I’m playing. You can see a total of 33 screens here in my gallery.

    halo3-001.jpg halo3-002.jpg
    halo3-021.jpg halo3-024.jpg
    halo3-025.jpg halo3-032.jpg

    Now if they would enhance these features. It’s a pain in the ass to use the file share to upload one picture at a time. I should be able to upload the entire lot. Or at the least flag shots I want to upload. Further negatives about all this, the default file share max is six slots. For replays, screenshots, game modes, etc, etc. You can pay 750 Microsoft Points to increase the file share to a total of 24 slots. That’s per month by the way. Hopefully this is something that more console games will enable players to do.

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    Thursday August 23rd 2007
    BioShock 3:07 am-
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    BioShock is a great game. With that out of the way let me explain why I own two copies of this game. It began with the Minimum System Requirements:

    Operating Systems: Windows XP (with Service Pack 2) or Windows Vista
    CPU: Pentium 4 2.4GHz Single Core processor
    System RAM: 1GB
    Video Card: Direct X 9.0c compliant video card with 128MB RAM (NVIDIA 6600 or better/ATI X1300 or better, excluding ATI X1550).
    Sound Card: 100% direct X 9.0c compatible sound card
    Hard disc space: 8GB free space

    And then the Recommended System Requirements:

    CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo processor
    System RAM: 2GB
    Video card:
    DX9: Direct X 9.0c compliant video card with 512MB RAM (NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GT or better)
    DX10: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 or better
    Sound Card: Sound Blaster X-F series (Optimized for use with Creative Labs EAX ADVANCED HD 4.0 or EAX ADVANCED HD 5.0 compatible sound cards)

    So my pc is somewhere in between the Minimum and the Recommended. The game was released on the 21st. The pc demo for the game came out a day before release. The 360 demo came out on the 12th. So naturally I panicked and preordered a copy of the limited edition for the 360.

    As it turned out I can run the game pretty good. Far better than I had honestly expected. On the demo my fps were at the lowest in the 20’s, the highest I saw was in the 70’s. So of course I was mad that I had preordered (and prepayed) the game for the 360. So I decided I would fire up Steam and preload the game, in case I decided (as I did) to buy the game twice.

    When I did buy the game off Steam I was confident because I had preloaded it. All I had to do was wait for the designated time and I could play the game on the pc. As soon as the game unlocked I tried to fire it up, only to get the game to crash (the dreaded msvcr80.dll error) before even getting into the actual game.

    My fix was to delete the local content for the game in Steam. Which meant I had to download the game again. I let it download while I was at work and when I got home I was happy to find out I could play. This is not a definite fix for the msver80.dll problem. It worked for me, but other claim no dice for it fixing the error.

    Here is two screen shots followed by some more info important to anyone who either picked it up or is thinking about getting it. And don’t let these issues stop you from getting this great game.

    Bioshock 2007-08-20 19-48-57-07.jpg Bioshock 2007-08-20 19-49-08-01.jpg

    Despite many positive reviews. There are a number of well documented issues. Including (but not limited to) issues with the widescreen support and the presence of SecuROM copy protection (even on Steam) which limits you to two installs at a time.

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    Wednesday August 15th 2007
    BioShock Demo Movie 1:41 am-
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    Someone recorded the 360 demo of BioShock. Embedded video below:

    Video Died

    You need the divx webplayer installed to view this video. You can get it here.

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