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  • Thursday November 13th 2008
    The New Enterprise 7:29 am-
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    There it is.

    New Movie Enterprise

    The new James Bond movie has a trailer for the new Trek movie. I think the nacelles look funny.

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    Saturday October 18th 2008
    New Trek Movie Pictures 4:07 am-
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    So instead of talking about the Brother’s Wedding or even Warhammer Online I wanted to post these pics of the actual cast in uniform and a little bit of the bridge from the new Star Trek movie that JJ Abrams is making.

    The Crew The Bridge Shot Kirk and Spock Spock

    These pictures makes me want to see this. The uniforms look good. They retain the classic look with a touch of the modren. Now the bit of the bridge you get to see is just too white. I’m not going to comment on the new Kirk. But fuck both Spock and McCoy look good. The rest I’m just not sure about. And check out the short skirt on the chick behind Kirk and McCoy in the bridge shot. I’m sure more and more info will be released as the release date gets closer.

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    Saturday January 19th 2008
    Enterprise! 4:05 pm-
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    Here are picture from the new Star Trek movie trailer that played with Cloverfield. It is a good look at the USS Enterprise from the new movie.

    Enterprise Saucer Section 1 Enterprise Saucer Section 2 Enterprise Saucer Section 3 Enterprise Saucer Section 4 Enterprise Saucer Section 5
    Enterprise Back View 1 Enterprise Back View 2 Enterprise Back View 3
    Enterprise Far Shot Enterprise Hull Close Up

    Saw it over at TrekMovie.com. They released the trailer at the official site. So I downloaded it and took screen captures of what you can see of the Enterprise in the trailer. I’m just a huge geek.

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    Monday October 22nd 2007
    New Trek Movie 6:32 am-
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    There is a new Star Trek movie being made. With new actors playing the parts. CNN has an article talking about the news of the casting of Captain Kirk. Here is the breakdown:

    Chris Pine as Captain Kirk Zachary Quinto as Mr Spock Karl Urban as Doctor Mccoy Simon Pegg as Scotty
    John Cho as Sulu Zoe Saldana as Uhura Anton Yelchin as Chekov

    Here are the IMDB links to these people:

    I don’t even know what to think. It’s hard to imagine some of them as these characters. In costume and on the set will give a better idea how they will do. Just wow though.

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