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    Monday October 24th 2016
    Weigh In 9:06 am-
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    342.8. A loss of about 2 pounds (1.8 to be exact). On Saturday I had went over to my Dad’s house for something and I weighed myself then. On Saturday I weighed 339.6. I think I have to stop thinking about losses and gains and just continue to focus on what I eat. Overall it is a loss since last week and that is all that matters. My Dad warned me about weighing yourself more than weekly. He is right it makes you loose focus on the overall goal.

    Views: 506
    Monday October 17th 2016
    Weigh In 9:35 am-
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    344.6. A loss of two pounds. A loss despite my probable overeating of pizza at the nephews birthday party. Not including the cake of course. I’ll take any loss and be very happy about it.

    Views: 519
    Monday October 10th 2016
    Weigh In 8:54 am-
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    346.6. That is a loss of 8.2 pounds. Since last Monday I’ve kept a 1500 daily calorie limit. So now I just have to come up with a meal plan daily that makes sure I stay at the 1500 a day mark. Before all of this diet and exercise thing I ate whenever I was bored. So I need to find ways to fight off boredom. My next goal is hitting 300. I can do 50 pounds no problem.

    Views: 539
    Monday October 3rd 2016
    Weigh In 9:22 am-
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    354.8. That is a 1.6 pound gain. Which I’m ok with. Since I’m counting calories I know what I did and I know what I need to do different. Basically I need to cut pizza out of my diet and grocery list to avoid those moments of weakness.

    Views: 495
    Monday September 26th 2016
    Weekly Weigh In 8:34 am-
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    The scale read 353.2 today so I think it is safe to say the calorie counting is working. I am far more aware now of what I eat. Last week I talked about how eating potato chips was a problem I had to work on. I really think that thanks to the calorie counting I’ve got my potato chip usage down to the recommended one serving. I’m well on my way to 350.

    Views: 503
    Monday September 19th 2016
    Weekly Weigh In 7:34 am-
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    358.0! The first goal I set for myself was hitting 360. It feels pretty good I must say. So I guess counting calories has been helping. So now my next goal is hitting 350. Not to far away I know. I want to try to set reasonable goals for myself. Looking at my little notebook I do know I got to cut down on potato chips. That will be my side objective or side quest if your a geek. I feel pretty good right now.

    Views: 468
    Monday September 12th 2016
    Week Six Weigh In 8:41 am-
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    So let me talk about the good before I do the bad. The good thing is this last week I started to count the calories I eat. Which has made me more aware of the things I eat. I’ve been trying to hit 1500 calories each day. Or no more than 2000 a day. So that is the good. The bad is that I gained .8 of a pound since last time. So my bad new isn’t all that bad. I’m at an even 363 now according to my Dads scale. I did eat about 4 pieces of pizza at my Nieces birthday party. It could have been much worse I suppose. Next week I expect to be back on track thanks to the calorie counting.

    Views: 730
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