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    Friday March 27th 1998
    My Birthday 3:00 am-
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    Well its my birthday and I fucked up all ready. You see I was supposed to eat diner with my family and I went out with my friends. My grandma is mad at me. My Oldman is probably pissed to. So here on the net I will say I’m sorry. I can be a selfish bastard sometimes. And this happened to be one of those times. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Anyway life goes on.

    Views: 819
    Saturday April 11th 1998
    This And That 3:00 am-
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    I know its been a while since I added any thing to my site. I would have, but I have been playing Starcraft the last couple of weeks. I had a run of bad luck. On April 1st my car broke down. This was the day that Starcraft came out. Needles to say I spent half a day in Rockford because of it. Great game. My Dad thinks it is a “stupid fucking game”. He’s entitled to his opinion.

    There is a small rumor that a few employee’s are trying to start a Union. Good luck I say.

    I still haven’t developed my pictures from vacation. And I still I haven’t got my pictures from the Employee Christmas party. But here is three that are from the first night in Florida at King Henrys Feast. Me and Troy look like we just got are mugshots taken. His wife Bob looks nice as ever. She’s too nice for the Harpy Page. Anyway I plan to have more pictures up when I can pay to develop more film.

    This And That This And That This And That
    This And That

    Views: 1,458
    Tuesday April 14th 1998
    Lame Union 3:00 am-
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    I just had an interesting conversation with a lady from a union group. It appears a number of my fellow employees are serious about this whole union thing. They (the union lady) want some information I have. Now I don’t mind the idea of the union. But, I don’t feel like becoming a martyr to the cause. A few things that bothered me. One, that this lady didn’t have any id from the said union. Second, I feel this is going to go no where.

    Another point to make is that I plan on jumping ship. My buddy Troy is now an Assistant Manager at Menard$. I am going to go to work for Menard$ if I’m lucky. I even made out a resume. So if this union thing crashes and burns like I suspect I still might do ok.

    Views: 885
    Friday April 17th 1998
    Family 3:00 am-
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    Just a few things today. One my Uncle Rich came down to visit. Its to bad my cousins couldn’t come down. Its been a while since I saw them.

    Views: 913
    Saturday April 18th 1998
    Menard$ Interview 3:00 am-
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    Real quick update. I had my interview at Menard$. Starting pay there is eight bucks! Compared to my 6.90 at the hotel. Well if they call me, all I can say is the hotel can kiss my ass. That and the FDM better learn the audit real quick.

    I added a section called My Life. It has stuff about me. The first installment has some pictures from Troy’s wedding. Enjoy.

    Views: 1,006
    Sunday April 19th 1998
    More Menard$ 3:00 am-
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    Troy e-mailed me with this to say:

    the store manager talked to me today about you coming in to apply I told him you were a good worker and you are always on time.BOY WAS THAT A LOAD OF CRAP!!! but seriously I think you in like Flynn I’ll talk to him tomorrow again it will look good if you call him back on Monday to (check up on your application)from you pal bigfoot!!!!!!!!!best of luck!!!!!!!!!!

    So with any luck I’m out of that shit hole. I might have to rename this page one of these days.

    By the way if there is any South Park fans out there I added some links to the Just Links page.

    Views: 877
    Thursday April 23rd 1998
    Ex Mod Checks In 3:00 am-
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    After damn near a month I have heard from former MOD John. I was afraid he, for some reason might feel everyone was against him. But I got an e-mail him from today. Even the old HI shitting on him hasn’t taken away his sense of humor:

    God know’s I could use another Frig. magnet, left a message at your site…. (! )


    So here’s a offer to repay you for all the beer you’ve bought in the past. Give me a call damn it or I’ll sick the legion of harpies on you.

    Views: 903
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