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  • Sunday May 26th 2002
    This And That 5:42 am-
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    Well I’ve tried to be patient with XP. I’m like this close to reformatting my hard drive and installing 98SE. I picked up Soldier Of Fortune 2 and have been having nothing but problems. It seems lots of people are running into trouble. Trouble more or less stemming from that goddamned XP.

    I did find a useful Microsoft.com page called How to Manually Remove Windows XP and Restore Windows 9x which I plan to use when I get home. The more I sit thinking about my problems with XP, the more I want 98SE back. Enough is a enough.

    The bad thing is that I’m going to lose all of my files. My burner is not working. Again I think it’s the hard drive, but maybe it’s XP. I’m willing to lose files to get back to a stable os. I’m due for a reformat anyway, so what the hell.

    Views: 677
    Smoking! 9:49 am-
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    So I’m smoking again. I have been for a few weeks. Most (or all) of my friends know. “The Dude” as he is referred to here, also knows. The Dude caught me last week smoking behind the front desk.

    Now to me this is saying it’s ok to smoke. It’s just as good as if The Dude himself said “smoke em, if you got em.” Because I don’t want to imply that the hotel’s management are idiots. So instead I give them the benefit of the doubt that they knew any how.

    Nothing was said to me along the lines of “hey no smoking back there.” Not that I would stop. I have the image that I do what I want anyway, so why quit?

    Views: 831
    May 2002
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