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  • Saturday May 4th 2002
    Fascist Mentality 2:28 am-
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    Lets get Constitutional Rights and the First Amendment right up front right now. Ok? Now I’ve heard that the FDM is going to fire whoever wrote that GuestBook entry. Now I hate to burst anyone’s bubble but this fascist kind of threat won’t work. Fascist that’s a strong word isn’t it? But that’s what this is. It’s also called bullshit.

    I guess I will have to direct people to my favorite lawyer Leonard Crabs. This kind of scare tactic just isn’t going to slide. Fuck I hate this shit. This is why I hate managers. Here is what Find Law’s Dictionary has to say about the two laws regarding badmouthing a person or business:

    [Libel] a false published statement that injures an individual’s reputation (as in business) or otherwise exposes him or her to public contempt.

    [Slander] defamation of a person by unprivileged oral communication made to a third party.

    Note the wordage “individual’s” and “of a person” ok? Now look at that entry again. Does this John Doe mention any names? Nor did they name a specific hotel brand or location. So the FDM is grasping straws if they think they can fire a person because that GuestBook entry. Damn I hate small minded people.

    So as I had recommended to the FDM this morning, take it up here at this site if you have a problem. Sign the GuestBook. Speak your mind in a way that would make the writers of the First Amendment proud.

    Views: 1,317
    May 2002
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