I failed to mention that my computer problem is fixed. For now. I still think that my hard drive is on the fritz. I still think it has a little to with the last time my pc took a shit on me. I’m may pick up a new hard drive this Monday just to be on the safe side.
So did you see Star Wars Episode II? I’ve seen this one three times now. Three times. I think three times is enough. Don’t get me wrong. I liked it. Of course I could watch Empire over and over. But that’s another story isn’t it? The love story is necessary. Lucas has to set up the whole turning to the dark side and becoming Vader thing.
If you didn’t like it, here’s some advice. Keep it to yourself. If you don’t like it without even seeing it, keep it to yourself. People getting bent out of shape about how much it sucked are wasting their time. Not to mention wasting my time.