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  • Monday May 24th 2004
    This And That 3:08 am-
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    So I canceled City of Heroes. It just didn’t have enough to keep me playing it. Sure it is fun. But it just lacks some kind of depth. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I miss the phat lewt. I can play until the 28th of this month before it’s gone for good. But I honestly don’t think I will log on again.

    I’ve also decided I’m going to upgrade my webhosting package with those fine folks over at Pas-Com Web Hosting. I’ve already got the advanced plan and feel my sites have outgrown that package. With the Webmaster plan I’ll get the following:

    • 3 gigabytes Web Space
    • 30 gigabyte Transfer a Month
    • Unlimited* Pop3 E-mail Accounts
    • Unlimited* Email Forwarding Accounts
    • Unlimited* Email Aliases
    • Unlimited* Email Autoresponders
    • Frontpage Extensions
    • PHP 4 and CGI-BIN
    • 20 MySQL Database
    • 30 something.yourname.com Sub-domains

    3 gigs of web space! Man I can’t wait. Imagine all the god damn screen shots I could inflict on you all. I plan on giving the Guild Site a gig to keep it going. Which will also set up the Guild Site for it’s own domain, just need a good one before that happens. On the technical side the additional MySQL Databases will be quite nice. There are a few scripts I’ve tried out and I’ve had to use one database for four different scripts.

    Views: 928
    May 2004
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