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    « Previous
    Tuesday May 11th 2004
    Guild Wars Shots 1:45 pm-
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    Well I got a little time in with the game Guild Wars and I got to admit it’s kind of fun. But this is a pre alpha/beta kind of deal and there are bugs. Lots of bugs. Problems like joining a group and sending messages to people online that the game thinks is offline.

    Gameplay is that of a mmorpg mixed with a Diablo hack and slash feel. Which isn’t a bad thing. All kinds of neat stuff I’m sure. But the documentation is non existent. One interesting thing is the way loot is handled. Any time your in a group and something drops the game assigns a player to pick it up. If you don’t pick it up in the designated time anyone can.

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    The graphics are pretty nice as the screen shots above show. It’s interface almost reminds me of World of Warcraft’s. Which probably is because some ex Blizzard guys are a part of the team developing this game.

    If your going to try this one make sure to do so before the end of E3. This demo only is running for E3 and then after that who knows. It should be mentioned that guild support is not in the game yet, which is funny seeing how that is a selling point and part of the games name. It’s worth grabbing this demo just for the fact it’s such a small download. The content is downloaded as you go from area to area. Worth a shot for a free game if you like this kind of thing.

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