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  • Tuesday May 25th 2004
    Sold Out! 1:34 am-
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    So you may notice the Google AdSense ads that now appear here on my website. I had tried to get these on the site a while ago and was denied. I tried again with my “webmaster” email address and voila I’m in. Which is cool, I’ve been meaning to sell out and never could find the best way to do that fit’s my particular style (or lack of style).

    The neatest part of all of this is that I’ll make some money. And the ads are generated by the contents of the webpage. For example if you look at my page that tells about my time in the game Dark Age of Camelot you will see ads dealing with that rpg or others like it.

    Of course I don’t expect to make a shitload of money off of this. As you can see above I won’t be quiting the hotel anytime soon. Truth be told I’m tickled pink I’ve earned 8 cents already. And as it is the banner add at the top of the page has a 75% chance of showing. I may adjust it depending on feedback from people (if any) or if the ads that are displayed are annoying.

    Views: 854
    May 2004
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