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  • Friday July 12th 2002
    XP Is Back? 3:06 pm-
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    It’s strange. I happened to get the energy to fuck with the computer today. I figured for a hoot I would try to install XP again. The really strange thing is that the installation went off without a hitch. Almost.

    I have yet to get the sound card drivers installed, so I hope that’s the reason the sound isn’t on. Windows recognized my GeForce 3 card and my modem. I got to ride my bike over to Troy’s and get my copy of Warcraft 3 over here to test out my system.

    Views: 874
    XP Is Not Back! 6:40 pm-
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    Well my fresh install of XP lasted about 30 minutes. I ran into some trouble with updating my GeForce 3 drivers. I’m re-formatting the hard drive as I type this at Troy’s. The hope/plan is that I have better luck than 30 minutes this second time today.

    Views: 744
    XP Is Back Again! 9:15 pm-
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    Just a small little statement here. I have XP up and running again. The trick was (for me) to use the Windows Update to download the GeForce 3 drivers. Because for whatever reason when I got the drivers from Nvidia reboot was always a no go. It’s all good for now.

    Warcraft 3 runs great! Now I’m taking another shot at Soldier Of Fortune 2. If it works good I will be a happy man.

    Views: 718
    Link 11:30 pm-
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    Ok up and running good here is a link I found and just laughed my self silly. Something awful dating game gone awry is the name of the link. Here’s a blurb from the page by the guy who put it up:

    “all of a sudden, hundreds and hundreds of twisted fucks like me bombarded this place, and took over.”

    A warning to those of you who are on the opposite side of my sense of humor. Stay away from this one. Some of it I even found offensive. It’s a page done up by some Something Awful forum members. That should be warning enough for you people who are in the know.

    Views: 855
    July 2002
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