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  • Saturday July 6th 2002
    Bob Is Back 7:10 am-
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    Crackhead Bob is back. Here he is sounding off on the way the retarded hotel management does things:

    when one of the bellmen quit, i had plans of taking over his position. i asked the gm if i could do this. he said no because i was needed in the restaurant. now they hired a new server and cashier and now I am no longer needed. so basically i was used until they found a replacement for me. i think that is totally bogus. why didn’t they hire anybody sooner? i mean if that is what they wanted to do, then why didn’t they in the first place. so now i am a full time bellmen, which i wanted to be in the first place, and no longer work in the restaurant NO MATTER WHAT.

    Man that’s the way it is. “They” will use you until they are done with you. What you want does not enter into the picture. The other thing to remember about “them” is that if it would make sense then “they” can’t do it. It really is as simple as that. Common sense isn’t something these collected heads of knuckle we have for managers have. You should know that by now Bob.

    Views: 1,116
    More Warcraft 3 Shots 9:43 am-
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    Ok so I have been playing the shit out of Warcraft 3 at work. I admit it. But seeing how the PC at home is not even booting at all now, I have no choice. I have played it a bit at Troy’s. But here at work I can give it all the attention it deserves. So here are two more shots from the work PC(800×600):

    Six Seven

    Man I really like this game. The four races are different enough that it makes it fun playing each race. The Undead are enough like the Zerg from Starcraft that I’ve decided I don’t like them. Again I say pick this one up if you like what Blizzard does.

    Views: 750
    July 2002
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