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  • Tuesday September 12th 2006
    The Hotel Owners 2:45 pm-
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    Let’s take a look at the owners of the hotel I work for. Just some links for you folks to wet your whistle on some new info that has come to my attention. Below are the links:

    And for those really interested in finding out about the owners of the hotel I work for be sure to check out this pdf found at the PACER site:

    [drain file 29 show]

    And for those who wonder about the usage of this document please read:

    What are the acceptable uses of the data obtained from the PACER system?
    The PACER system provides electronic access to case information from federal courts across the United States. The information gathered from the PACER system is a matter of public record and may be reproduced without permission. However, the PACER customer assumes all responsibility for consequences that arise from use of the data.

    What a great vacation.

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    Wednesday July 24th 2002
    New Owners 1:14 am-
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    Ramada to be improved is an article over at the Beloit Daily News. Here is a picture of the new owner and a selected bit from the article for those of you too lazy to read the full thing:

    “I’ve associated with friends and family’s hotels, but this is my first on my own,” Noor Tejany said. “I wanted to pick a hotel I would be proud of in the future. Once my plan is completed, I’ll be proud of this hotel.”

    New Owners

    Well I wish him luck. Because he’s going to need it.

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