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  • Sunday January 20th 2002
    My First RVR 1:08 am-
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    Well I made it to a guild meeting after who knows how long. After the meeting I got to go on a RvR raid with my AOD guild mates. It was an interesting experience. It was my first trip to another realm. Needless to say I died. There was some disruption of the chain of command. Chaos ensued and more than just me died.

    So maybe I’m going to spend some more time gaining levels before I try that again. I have 4 bounty points, whatever that means. The whole RvR thing was a chaotic mess. I will get used to it the more I go.

    Views: 738
    More Star Trek Geek 8:49 am-
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    I mentioned Star Trek Bridge Commander not to long ago. Here is a screen shot showing off this cool looking game:

    More Star Trek Geek

    Doh! I am a geek. But man it looks sweet. You can even make your own registry numbers and ship names. So I could have the U.S.S. Hotelblues.com if I wanted to. And I am enough of a geek to do that.

    Views: 860
    January 2002
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