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  • Thursday October 31st 2002
    This And That 6:11 am-
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    Well I think I have everything fixed and working from the server move. I have yet to hear from my former Hotelblues.com e-mail users. It makes me think that no one really used them at all. If I do hear from any of you, I have around ten actual POP3 accounts I can give out to you former e-mail users. It’s not enough to cover the 40+ plus people that had signed up. But if ten of you want to keep the you old e-mail address e-mail and and in the message tell me what your Hotelblues.com e-mail address was. Then I set you up and send you the info for the account.

    I trained another new guy in the last four days of work. He’s the boyfriend of the chick I had trained a few weeks ago. Another smart kid. He starts next week all by himself. I have inadvertently gotten him hooked on the original Unreal Tournament. He has been a hell of a nice guy and let me you his AOL account while I trained him. Which was nice because I have to do something about not having an account that I can use at work. Maybe there are some free isp’s around still?

    I also have installed a new Forum. It’s a php forum called phpBB. I just thought I would mention the fact that I have a forum. Not that anyone use it.

    Views: 651
    Conspiracy? 10:53 pm-
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    So I was going through the Coranto forum and found an interesting thread. Which is about something one of the Addon authors wrote. I had to do some minor detective work to find the url that was removed. But it wasn’t to hard.

    Zac the creator of Zcomment claims that Coranto is spyware in this page called Coranto Build 30 A spy!?. It is a very interesting read. Zac also has AIM logs of chats he had with two high up in the Coranto Community. You can find them here, here, and here.

    Take this stuff for what it is.

    Views: 862
    October 2002
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