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  • Monday April 5th 1999
    Business 10:06 pm-
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    So what does everyone think of Pete? I would love for anyone to comment on Pete. And maybe some general comments on what should be done with HOTELBLUES.com. Do you want to hear some of Pete’s manager stories from his hotel? So far I have made that the only ground rule for him. I don’t want to see Pete get in the trouble I did. He assures me that the management at his hotel is different. He speaks with knowledge of the people that work at the hotel I had worked at. He knows the kind of inept assholes they are. No offense to Mosher, Messman, Vinke, and Johnson. So let me know if what you really want is more of the old hotel drivel I used to spiel.

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    Lost Friends 10:30 pm-
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    I had the weirdest experience yesterday. I was out goofing off, up to no good when I had this strange sense of deju vu. I was just minding my own business when this couple passed by and said hello to me. I didn’t know them I’m certain of that. Yet it brought about a tinge of memories of some other people I used to know. Memories of friends I once knew, but have lost touch with.

    When I got home I thought about some of the good times and the few bad times. You never miss something until its gone. I hope to one day meet up with these people again. Perhaps I will. And then perhaps I won’t. Friends come and go. Its a fact of life. So cheers to the good times.

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    Movieman Cometh 10:32 pm-
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    Well, just as soon as I was done talking about old friends I get a rather cryptic message in the GuestBook:

    Well Well….Whats there to say ol friend. I have enjoyed my stay here today for the first time and am looking forward to returning when I have more time to catch-up on past. Seems as tho you were correct about one thing, you leave NO stones unturned about your life at the “Prison”. Its great to see that some people can really just say whats on there mind and unload. My suggestion to the rulers that read your work,… Take a long look at yourself in the mirror tomorrow morning.

    Thanks Movieman I always wanted to be refereed to as The “Creator”. I have this mad scientist shtick down good. “Mad you say? What makes you think I am mad? HA HA HA HA HA(evil laughter).” I even practice it in the mirror.

    Views: 838
    One More Post 10:40 pm-
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    I have been meaning to mention, since the majority of you are AOL users, that I use a wonderful product called AOL Instant messenger. My “handle” is turk1701. So if you want to get a hold of me in cyber space you can add me to your buddy lists.

    Views: 1,086
    April 1999
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