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    Wednesday January 19th 2005
    WoW Stuff 12:25 am-
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    So World of Warcraft has me firmly in it’s grasp once again. I’ve been playing quite a bit (for me) this last week and have managed to level up to 25. The game is of course still not a finished product. Granted that can be said for all mmorpg’s on the market. But WoW just at times feels like it’s unfinished. Gameplay mechanics aside it has to be the constant god damn Weekly Scheduled Maintenance that Blizzard seems to relish inflicting on their paying costumers.

    And now that I want to play the game again it pisses me off when I can’t. I’ve done a few of the lower level instances and I’ve grown to enjoy the rewards that comes from them. I’m talking about the phat lewt man. It has to be one of the most important reasons to play a game of this type. When I’m not working or sleeping I’m playing WoW. At work I spend all of my time checking out my character profile over at WoWRankings.com trying to figure what kind of gear I need to replace. I’m trying to get all of the stamina and strength items I can find.

    Which is odd. In Camelot I never really thought about item stats and how it really affected my character. I just played the game in a daze really. But this stuff is important here in WoW and I do pay attention to the details. I’ve also noticed I’m really worried about how I spec out my talents for my Shaman. Again this wasn’t something I thought about in Camelot to heavily. But I do wonder what will make my character the best. It is a PvP server I’m on after all and I’m sick of getting ganked and I want to be able to be the one doing the ganking when the time comes.

    And with all of that said I’m in no hurry to hit the level cap. I don’t plan on setting any records in leveling up quickly. Of course this time I don’t plan on taking over two years to hit the cap. This time I would like to be able to do it in under a year. But we will have to wait and see if I manage that.

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