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    Friday November 9th 2001
    WTGF:The Next Generation 7:46 am-
    Categories Fucks Permalink Permalink
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    So are wondering what the fuck WTGF is? WTGF stands for Wanting To Get Fired. Back in the day it was something I wrote because I wanted to get fired. Simple as that. So here I am again, really wanting to get fired.

    I would rather quit and get another job. Me quitting will leave “them” in more of a difficult position. I have redoubled my effort to get the hell out of here. Man am I looking. And “they” won’t get a two week notice out of me. Shit “they” will be lucky if I give them a call ten minutes before my shift telling them to go fuck themselves.

    November 28th is coming up. It will be three years since I got fired. That day has become special to me. So if I could push it to get shit canned again on that day it would be cool. I’m also thinking about doing something this year. Maybe a party? How does that sound to you? That is for my local friends and hell even my enemies.

    So the plan is I rent a half barrel of beer and have a party down at the Bop. This is just a thought. But as the day comes closer I will let you know if I’m going to do it. So if anyone can come let me know. Send me an e-mail or sign the GuestBook or hit the comments link after my name up on top.

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