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    Tuesday January 20th 2004
    This And That 1:16 am-
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    So I’ve been quiet and have not updated in a while. Mostly I’ve been getting used to working 40 hours a week, every week again. I have to learn how to manage my free time better. Which should be something I can do. I only work eight hours a day now. So it should be pretty simple getting a schedule together for my time not at work.

    I’m slowly losing interest in Dark Age of Camelot. I hate to say it. The grind is just become unbearable. All I need is eight bubs of experience. But the energy just isn’t there. I hate to bring up World of Warcraft again. But it just sounds like the grind won’t be as bad. The way it sounds so far is that quests will be a big part of the game. Just go and take a look at the WoW Quest page, and tell me you can’t see the difference in WoW and how other mmorpg’s handle quests. Just look at these screen shots below:

    One Two
    Three Four
    Five Six

    Perhaps downloading the alpha leak was a bad idea. Not because it’s leaked software (and yeah that’s bad too). Just wandering the world these guys have made makes me want the game more than I ever did. For me it seems the perfect game of this genre. The beta test is supposed to start soon, at least the sign up for the beta will start soon. I would give my left nut to get into the beta for World of Warcraft.

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