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    Wednesday October 16th 2002
    This And That 8:06 am-
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    Well my PC is finally working again. I gave up on the idea of me fixing it myself. So I took it to a local computer store to have them look at it. I’m kicking myself now. I wasted probably two hundred dollars on three fans, a new hard drive, a new cd-rom, and a new power supply. The problem was that one of my sticks of 256mb of ram had gone bad. I’m a little embarrassed that I didn’t think of trying different ram.

    That stick of bad ram caused a lot of havoc. It was the reason I couldn’t install Windows XP again. It’s amazing what kind of damage one stick of bad ram can do. I’m almost back to the state the computer was in before this all started. It’s hard to believe this has been going on since May 16 of this year.

    Needless to say I’m a very happy guy now. Anyway to commemorate the occasion of having a working PC again here are some shots of the recently released Unreal Tournament 2003 (1024×768):

    One Two
    Three Four

    Unreal Tournament 2003 is lots of fun. Everything about UT2003 reminds me of Quake 3. From the menus to the characters and even the levels. I’m not saying this is a bad thing. I’m just saying it’s a lot like Quake 3.

    J EWbU
    Views: 702
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