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    Wednesday September 10th 2003
    Ad-aware Report 12:03 am-
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    Lavasoft Ad-aware Personal Build 6.181
    Logfile created on :Tuesday, September 09, 2003 11:15:13 PM
    Created with Ad-aware Personal, free for private use.
    Using reference-file :01R217 08.09.2003

    Ad-aware Settings
    Set : Activate in-depth scan (Recommended)
    Set : Safe mode (always request confirmation)
    Set : Scan active processes
    Set : Scan registry
    Set : Deep scan registry

    09-09-03 11:15:13 PM – Scan started. (Smart mode)

    Listing running processes

    #:1 [smss.exe]
    FilePath : \SystemRoot\System32\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:07:38 AM
    BasePriority : Normal

    #:2 [winlogon.exe]
    FilePath : \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:07:42 AM
    BasePriority : High

    #:3 [services.exe]
    FilePath : C:\WINDOWS\system32\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:07:42 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 99 KB
    FileVersion : 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148)
    ProductVersion : 5.1.2600.0
    CompanyName : Microsoft Corporation
    FileDescription : Services and Controller app
    InternalName : services.exe
    OriginalFilename : services.exe
    ProductName : Microsoft
    Created on : 01/01/80 7:00:00 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 3:56:58 AM
    Last modified : 08/29/02 12:00:00 PM

    #:4 [lsass.exe]
    FilePath : C:\WINDOWS\system32\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:07:42 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 11 KB
    FileVersion : 5.1.2600.1106 (xpsp1.020828-1920)
    ProductVersion : 5.1.2600.1106
    CompanyName : Microsoft Corporation
    FileDescription : LSA Shell (Export Version)
    InternalName : lsass.exe
    OriginalFilename : lsass.exe
    ProductName : Microsoft
    Created on : 01/01/80 7:00:00 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 3:56:58 AM
    Last modified : 08/29/02 12:00:00 PM

    #:5 [svchost.exe]
    FilePath : C:\WINDOWS\system32\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:07:42 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 12 KB
    FileVersion : 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148)
    ProductVersion : 5.1.2600.0
    CompanyName : Microsoft Corporation
    FileDescription : Generic Host Process for Win32 Services
    InternalName : svchost.exe
    OriginalFilename : svchost.exe
    ProductName : Microsoft
    Created on : 01/01/80 7:00:00 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 3:56:58 AM
    Last modified : 08/29/02 12:00:00 PM

    #:6 [svchost.exe]
    FilePath : C:\WINDOWS\System32\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:07:43 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 12 KB
    FileVersion : 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148)
    ProductVersion : 5.1.2600.0
    CompanyName : Microsoft Corporation
    FileDescription : Generic Host Process for Win32 Services
    InternalName : svchost.exe
    OriginalFilename : svchost.exe
    ProductName : Microsoft
    Created on : 01/01/80 7:00:00 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 3:56:58 AM
    Last modified : 08/29/02 12:00:00 PM

    #:7 [explorer.exe]
    FilePath : C:\WINDOWS\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:07:49 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 980 KB
    FileVersion : 6.00.2800.1106 (xpsp1.020828-1920)
    ProductVersion : 6.00.2800.1106
    CompanyName : Microsoft Corporation
    FileDescription : Windows Explorer
    InternalName : explorer
    OriginalFilename : EXPLORER.EXE
    ProductName : Microsoft
    Created on : 01/01/80 7:00:00 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:14:29 AM
    Last modified : 08/29/02 12:00:00 PM

    #:8 [spoolsv.exe]
    FilePath : C:\WINDOWS\system32\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:07:49 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 50 KB
    FileVersion : 5.1.2600.0 (XPClient.010817-1148)
    ProductVersion : 5.1.2600.0
    CompanyName : Microsoft Corporation
    FileDescription : Spooler SubSystem App
    InternalName : spoolsv.exe
    OriginalFilename : spoolsv.exe
    ProductName : Microsoft
    Created on : 01/01/80 7:00:00 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 3:56:58 AM
    Last modified : 08/29/02 12:00:00 PM

    #:9 [avsynmgr.exe]
    FilePath : C:\Program Files\Network Associates\VirusScan\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:07:55 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 152 KB
    Created on : 04/30/01 9:51:00 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 3:56:58 AM
    Last modified : 04/30/01 9:51:00 AM

    #:10 [msdtc.exe]
    FilePath : C:\WINDOWS\System32\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:07:55 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 6 KB
    FileVersion : 2001.12.4414.42
    ProductVersion :
    Copyright : Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1995-1998
    CompanyName : Microsoft Corporation
    FileDescription : MS DTC console program
    InternalName : MSDTC.EXE
    ProductName : Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator
    Created on : 09/23/02 8:29:35 PM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 3:56:58 AM
    Last modified : 08/29/02 12:00:00 PM

    #:11 [smagent.exe]
    FilePath : C:\Program Files\Analog Devices\SoundMAX\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:07:56 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 44 KB
    FileVersion : 3, 2, 5, 0
    ProductVersion : 3, 2, 5, 0
    Copyright : Copyright
    CompanyName : Analog Devices, Inc.
    FileDescription : SoundMAX service agent component
    InternalName : SMAgent
    OriginalFilename : SMAgent.exe
    ProductName : SoundMAX service agent
    Created on : 03/22/03 12:44:08 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 3:56:58 AM
    Last modified : 07/15/02 10:36:54 PM

    #:12 [xpadmin.exe]
    FilePath : C:\PROGRA~1\Xpoint\xpadmin\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:07:59 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 28 KB
    Created on : 06/28/03 6:47:30 PM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 3:56:58 AM
    Last modified : 08/07/02 4:22:18 PM

    #:13 [xpagent.exe]
    FilePath : C:\PROGRA~1\Xpoint\agent\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:07:59 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 96 KB
    Created on : 06/28/03 6:47:30 PM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 3:56:58 AM
    Last modified : 08/07/02 4:24:42 PM

    #:14 [vsstat.exe]
    FilePath : C:\Program Files\Network Associates\VirusScan\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:07:59 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 96 KB
    Created on : 04/30/01 9:51:00 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 3:56:58 AM
    Last modified : 04/30/01 9:51:00 AM

    #:15 [vshwin32.exe]
    FilePath : C:\Program Files\Network Associates\VirusScan\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:07:59 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 116 KB
    Created on : 04/30/01 9:51:00 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 3:56:58 AM
    Last modified : 04/30/01 9:51:00 AM

    #:16 [xpclient.exe]
    FilePath : C:\PROGRA~1\Xpoint\EEClient\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:08:01 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 808 KB
    FileVersion : 1, 0, 0, 1
    ProductVersion : 1, 0, 0, 1
    Copyright : Copyright
    CompanyName : Xpoint Technologies
    FileDescription : Uptime
    InternalName : Uptime!
    ProductName : Xpoint Technologies Uptime!
    Created on : 06/28/03 6:47:32 PM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 3:56:58 AM
    Last modified : 08/07/02 4:23:42 PM

    #:17 [cmd.exe]
    FilePath : C:\WINDOWS\system32\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:08:02 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 367 KB
    FileVersion : 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148)
    ProductVersion : 5.1.2600.0
    CompanyName : Microsoft Corporation
    FileDescription : Windows Command Processor
    InternalName : cmd
    OriginalFilename : Cmd.Exe
    ProductName : Microsoft
    Created on : 01/01/80 7:00:00 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:08:41 AM
    Last modified : 08/29/02 12:00:00 PM

    #:18 [javaw.exe]
    FilePath : C:\PROGRA~1\Xpoint\SAS\jre\bin\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:08:02 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 20 KB
    Created on : 06/28/03 6:47:33 PM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 3:56:58 AM
    Last modified : 08/07/02 3:27:34 PM

    #:19 [avconsol.exe]
    FilePath : C:\Program Files\Network Associates\VirusScan\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:08:05 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 160 KB
    Created on : 04/30/01 9:51:00 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 3:56:58 AM
    Last modified : 04/30/01 9:51:00 AM

    #:20 [mcshield.exe]
    FilePath : C:\Program Files\Common Files\Network Associates\McShield\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:08:10 AM
    BasePriority : High
    FileSize : 224 KB
    Created on : 04/30/01 9:51:00 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 3:56:58 AM
    Last modified : 04/30/01 9:51:00 AM

    #:21 [hkcmd.exe]
    FilePath : C:\WINDOWS\System32\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:08:21 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 112 KB
    FileVersion : 3,0,0,2104
    ProductVersion : 7,0,0,2104
    Copyright : Copyright 1999-2003, Intel Corporation
    CompanyName : Intel Corporation
    FileDescription : hkcmd Module
    InternalName : HKCMD
    OriginalFilename : HKCMD.EXE
    ProductName : Intel(R) Common User Interface
    Created on : 07/21/03 5:35:16 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:08:21 AM
    Last modified : 04/07/03 5:07:38 AM

    #:22 [promon.exe]
    FilePath : C:\WINDOWS\System32\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:08:21 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 72 KB
    FileVersion :
    ProductVersion :
    Copyright : Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Intel Corporation.
    CompanyName : Intel Corporation
    FileDescription : Intel(R) PROSet Tray Icon
    InternalName : Intel(R) PROMonitor
    OriginalFilename : PROMon.exe
    ProductName : Intel(R) PROMonitor
    Created on : 04/19/02 1:32:36 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:08:21 AM
    Last modified : 04/19/02 1:32:36 AM

    #:23 [msbb.exe]
    FilePath : C:\Program Files\nCase\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:08:22 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 192 KB
    FileVersion : 4.2
    ProductVersion : 4.2
    Copyright : Copyright
    CompanyName : 180Solutions Inc
    FileDescription : msbb
    InternalName : msbb
    OriginalFilename : msbb.exe
    ProductName : n-CASE
    Created on : 09/05/03 8:04:12 PM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:08:22 AM
    Last modified : 09/05/03 8:04:12 PM
    Warning! NCase object found in memory(C:\Program Files\nCase\msbb.exe)

    NCase Object recognized!
    Type : Process
    Data : msbb.exe
    Object : C:\Program Files\nCase\
    FileSize : 192 KB
    FileVersion : 4.2
    ProductVersion : 4.2
    Copyright : Copyright
    CompanyName : 180Solutions Inc
    FileDescription : msbb
    InternalName : msbb
    OriginalFilename : msbb.exe
    ProductName : n-CASE
    Created on : 09/05/03 8:04:12 PM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:08:22 AM
    Last modified : 09/05/03 8:04:12 PM

    “msbb.exe”Process terminated successfully.

    #:24 [nmssvc.exe]
    FilePath : C:\WINDOWS\System32\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:08:22 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 1092 KB
    FileVersion :
    ProductVersion :
    Copyright : Copyright
    CompanyName : Intel Corporation
    FileDescription : NMS Module
    InternalName : NMS Module
    ProductName : NMS
    Created on : 05/03/02 7:36:24 PM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 3:56:58 AM
    Last modified : 05/03/02 7:36:24 PM

    #:25 [purrrint.exe]
    FilePath : C:\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:08:24 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 85 KB
    FileVersion : 1, 0, 0, 9
    ProductVersion : 1, 0, 0, 9
    Copyright : Copyright
    CompanyName : angeldust
    FileDescription : PrintScreen extension
    InternalName : purrint
    OriginalFilename : purrint.exe
    ProductName : Purrint
    Created on : 06/28/03 5:26:10 PM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:08:24 AM
    Last modified : 06/03/02 2:56:16 PM

    #:26 [rundll32.exe]
    FilePath : C:\WINDOWS\System32\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:08:28 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 31 KB
    FileVersion : 5.1.2600.0 (xpclient.010817-1148)
    ProductVersion : 5.1.2600.0
    CompanyName : Microsoft Corporation
    FileDescription : Run a DLL as an App
    InternalName : rundll
    OriginalFilename : RUNDLL.EXE
    ProductName : Microsoft
    Created on : 01/01/80 7:00:00 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:14:29 AM
    Last modified : 08/29/02 12:00:00 PM

    #:27 [trillian-v0.74d.exe]
    FilePath : C:\Documents and Settings\node1\Desktop\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:14:57 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 2469 KB
    Created on : 09/10/03 4:13:46 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:14:58 AM
    Last modified : 09/10/03 4:13:49 AM

    #:28 [ad-aware.exe]
    FilePath : C:\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-aware 6\
    ThreadCreationTime : 09-10-03 4:15:07 AM
    BasePriority : Normal
    FileSize : 668 KB
    FileVersion :
    ProductVersion :
    Copyright : Copyright
    CompanyName : Lavasoft Sweden
    FileDescription : Ad-aware 6 core application
    InternalName : Ad-aware.exe
    OriginalFilename : Ad-aware.exe
    ProductName : Lavasoft Ad-aware Plus
    Created on : 09/10/03 4:14:25 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:14:39 AM
    Last modified : 07/13/03 3:00:20 AM

    Memory scan result :
    New objects : 1
    Objects found so far: 1

    Started registry scan

    Huntbar Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : BTIEINScriptConfigProj.BTIEINScriptConfig

    Huntbar Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : btlink.relatedlinksProtocol

    Huntbar Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : btlink.ResProtocol

    FirstCash Websearch Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : CLSID\{0A5CF411-F0BF-4AF8-A2A4-8233F3109BED}

    Gator Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : CLSID\{21FFB6C0-0DA1-11D5-A9D5-00500413153C}

    Huntbar Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : CLSID\{26E8361F-BCE7-4F75-A347-98C88B418322}

    Huntbar Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : CLSID\{63B78BC1-A711-4D46-AD2F-C581AC420D41}

    FirstCash Websearch Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : CLSID\{6A85D97D-665D-4825-8341-9501AD9F56A3}

    NCase Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : CLSID\{6eb5b540-1e74-4d91-a7f0-5b758d333702}

    Huntbar Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : CLSID\{CD8D1CAA-FE4A-45DF-A06C-028AAF1821DE}

    Huntbar Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : CLSID\{D6DFF6D8-B94B-4720-B730-1C38C7065C3B}

    Huntbar Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : Interface\{26E8361F-BCE7-4F75-A347-98C88B418321}

    NCase Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : ncaseinstaller.ncaseinstaller

    NCase Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : ncaseinstaller.ncaseinstaller.1

    NCase Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : SOFTWARE\180solutions

    NCase Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : SOFTWARE\180solutions\msbb

    Huntbar Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : Software\BTIEIN

    Huntbar Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : Software\BTIEIN

    Gator Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : SOFTWARE\Gator.com

    Gator Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : Software\GatorTest

    Search Toolbar Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{0A5CF411-F0BF-4AF8-A2A4-8233F3109BED}

    Huntbar Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{63B78BC1-A711-4D46-AD2F-C581AC420D41}

    Huntbar Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{D6DFF6D8-B94B-4720-B730-1C38C7065C3B}

    Gator Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder\Start Menu\Programs\GAIN

    Huntbar Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data : BTLINK_
    Object : SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\BTLINK_DLL

    Search Toolbar Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\HTOOL_UNINSTALL

    NCase Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\msbb

    NCase Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\nCASE

    Search Toolbar Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : SOFTWARE\Search Toolbar

    Search Toolbar Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : Software\Search Toolbar

    SecondThought Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : software\stc\client

    Huntbar Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : Software\BTLINK

    NCase Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : TYPELIB\{18dd1792-64fb-42db-acbe-435c598045f4}

    Huntbar Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : Typelib\{26E8361F-BCE7-4F75-A347-98C88B418328}

    Search Toolbar Object recognized!
    Type : RegValue
    Data :
    Object : SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar
    Value : {6A85D97D-665D-4825-8341-9501AD9F56A3}

    SecondThought Object recognized!
    Type : RegValue
    Data :
    Object : SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
    Value : stcloader

    Registry scan result :
    New objects : 36
    Objects found so far: 37

    Started deep registry scan
    Possible browser hijack attempt : Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MainSearch Barwww.websearch.com

    Possible Browser Hijack attempt Object recognized!
    Type : RegData
    Data : “http://www.websearch.com/ie.aspx”
    Object : Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
    Value : Search Bar
    Data : “http://www.websearch.com/ie.aspx”

    Possible browser hijack attempt : Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchSearchAssistantwww.websearch.com

    Possible Browser Hijack attempt Object recognized!
    Type : RegData
    Data : “http://www.websearch.com/ie.aspx”
    Object : Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search
    Value : SearchAssistant
    Data : “http://www.websearch.com/ie.aspx”

    Possible browser hijack attempt : {6EB5B540-1E74-4D91-A7F0-5B758D333702} (“http://bis.180solutions.com/activexinstallers/306/ncaseinstaller.cab”)

    Possible Browser Hijack attempt Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Code Store Database\Distribution Units\{6EB5B540-1E74-4D91-A7F0-5B758D333702}

    NCase Object recognized!
    Type : RegValue
    Data :
    Object : Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
    Value : msbb

    NCase Object recognized!
    Type : RegValue
    Data :
    Object : Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
    Value : FLSYCIP

    NCase Object recognized!
    Type : File
    Data : flsycip.exe
    Object : c:\windows\
    FileSize : 92 KB
    Created on : 09/05/03 8:04:21 PM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:08:22 AM
    Last modified : 09/05/03 8:04:23 PM

    Huntbar Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : PROTOCOLS\Handler\relatedlinks

    Deep registry scan result :
    New objects : 6
    Objects found so far: 44


    Tracking Cookie Object recognized!
    Type : File
    Data : node1@advertising[1].txt
    Object : C:\Documents and Settings\node1\Cookies\

    Created on : 09/09/03 6:19:52 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:15:50 AM
    Last modified : 09/09/03 10:44:40 AM

    Other Object recognized!
    Type : File
    Data : node1@cgi-bin[1].txt
    Object : C:\Documents and Settings\node1\Cookies\

    Created on : 09/09/03 5:12:50 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:15:50 AM
    Last modified : 09/09/03 5:12:50 AM

    Tracking Cookie Object recognized!
    Type : File
    Data : node1@doubleclick[1].txt
    Object : C:\Documents and Settings\node1\Cookies\

    Created on : 09/09/03 5:01:28 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:15:50 AM
    Last modified : 09/09/03 5:01:34 AM

    Tracking Cookie Object recognized!
    Type : File
    Data : node1@gator[1].txt
    Object : C:\Documents and Settings\node1\Cookies\

    Created on : 09/09/03 5:02:13 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:15:50 AM
    Last modified : 09/09/03 5:02:13 AM

    Tracking Cookie Object recognized!
    Type : File
    Data : node1@linksynergy[2].txt
    Object : C:\Documents and Settings\node1\Cookies\

    Created on : 09/09/03 5:01:22 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:15:50 AM
    Last modified : 09/09/03 5:01:22 AM

    Tracking Cookie Object recognized!
    Type : File
    Data : node1@qksrv[1].txt
    Object : C:\Documents and Settings\node1\Cookies\

    Created on : 09/09/03 5:00:27 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:13:41 AM
    Last modified : 09/09/03 5:00:27 AM

    Tracking Cookie Object recognized!
    Type : File
    Data : node1@servedby.advertising[1].txt
    Object : C:\Documents and Settings\node1\Cookies\

    Created on : 09/09/03 10:51:43 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:15:50 AM
    Last modified : 09/09/03 10:51:43 AM

    Tracking Cookie Object recognized!
    Type : File
    Data : node1@tmpad[2].txt
    Object : C:\Documents and Settings\node1\Cookies\

    Created on : 09/09/03 10:37:26 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:15:50 AM
    Last modified : 09/09/03 10:37:26 AM

    Tracking Cookie Object recognized!
    Type : File
    Data : node1@trafficmp[1].txt
    Object : C:\Documents and Settings\node1\Cookies\

    Created on : 09/09/03 10:37:26 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:15:50 AM
    Last modified : 09/09/03 10:37:26 AM


    Deep scanning and examining files (C:)

    FreeScratchCards Object recognized!
    Type : File
    Data : 2ndsrch.dll
    Object : C:\WINDOWS\System32\
    FileSize : 66 KB
    FileVersion :
    ProductVersion :
    InternalName : runpool.dll
    OriginalFilename : runpool.dll
    Created on : 09/05/03 10:22:33 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:07:37 AM
    Last modified : 09/05/03 10:22:34 AM

    FreeScratchCards Object recognized!
    Type : File
    Data : stcloader.exe
    Object : C:\WINDOWS\System32\
    FileSize : 26 KB
    FileVersion :
    ProductVersion :
    Copyright : Copyright (C) 2003
    FileDescription : Loader
    InternalName : loader
    OriginalFilename : loader.exe
    ProductName : Loader
    Created on : 09/05/03 10:22:28 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:08:21 AM
    Last modified : 09/05/03 10:22:29 AM

    Performing conditional scans..

    Huntbar Object recognized!
    Type : Folder
    Object : c:\program files\common files\BTLINK

    Huntbar Object recognized!
    Type : Folder
    Object : c:\program files\common files\btlink\.

    Huntbar Object recognized!
    Type : File
    Data : btiein.dll
    Object : c:\windows\system32\
    FileSize : 201 KB
    Created on : 09/05/03 11:48:36 PM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:07:37 AM
    Last modified : 09/02/03 7:10:48 PM

    FirstCash Websearch Object recognized!
    Type : Folder
    Object : c:\program files\Search Toolbar

    FirstCash Websearch Object recognized!
    Type : File
    Data : stoolbar.dll
    Object : c:\program files\search toolbar\
    FileSize : 323 KB
    Created on : 09/06/03 11:56:41 PM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:06:49 AM
    Last modified : 09/02/03 7:10:48 PM

    FirstCash Websearch Object recognized!
    Type : File
    Data : temp
    Object : c:\program files\search toolbar\

    Created on : 09/10/03 4:06:44 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:06:44 AM
    Last modified : 09/10/03 4:06:44 AM

    SecondThought Object recognized!
    Type : RegKey
    Data :
    Object : software\stc

    SecondThought Object recognized!
    Type : Folder
    Object : c:\program files\STC

    SecondThought Object recognized!
    Type : File
    Data : stc.exe
    Object : c:\program files\stc\
    FileSize : 87 KB
    FileVersion :
    ProductVersion :
    Copyright : Copyright (C) 2003
    FileDescription : Second Thought
    InternalName : STC
    OriginalFilename : STC.exe
    ProductName : STC Application
    Created on : 09/05/03 10:22:31 AM
    Last accessed : 09/10/03 4:08:28 AM
    Last modified : 09/05/03 10:22:32 AM

    Conditional scan result:
    New objects : 9
    Objects found so far: 65

    11:16:12 PM Scan complete

    Summary of this scan
    Total scanning time :00:00:58:46
    Objects scanned :35689
    Objects identified :65
    Objects ignored :0
    New objects :65

    Views: 1,111
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