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    Sunday November 7th 1999
    Where Is Sergei Fedorov? 9:57 pm-
    Categories Sergei Permalink Permalink
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    Sergei Fedorov plays hockey in case you didn’t know. Hockey is a great game. Sergei is a great hockey player. Recently me and Sergei had a misunderstanding. You see I interfered with Sergei and the game. And some words were said. To watch Sergei play the game of hockey is one thing, to get involved with how he plays is another. I guess recently I got to into the game more than I should. So I wasn’t probably thinking to much about how it would effect Fedorov. Hell I probably didn’t care either. Now I don’t think I meant it, maybe in the back of my head I figured the game would be fine without Fedorov.

    Sure you can just chalk this up to delusions of grandeur. Some time it hard to separate yourself from the game. But I know the game is better with Fedorov. In fact this kind of thing happened before. When I stayed away from Fedorov and the game everything was fine. Hell I even thought about that before me and Fedorov’s misunderstanding. Some times no matter what you feel about the game you have to walk away. It’s the best thing to not get involved with the game, for Fedorov sake. Fedorov the hockey player doesn’t need me distracting him. His concentration must be on the game. He doesn’t need any more hecklers calling out from the audience. I like the game don’t get me wrong, but I like Fedorov also. So I would rather be on Fedorov’s side. It’s just best for the game of hockey and that is the most important thing.

    What if Fedorov doesn’t care you may ask? Well that’s ok. I would rather hear about Fedorov and the game every once in a while than interfere with it. Is this a apology? No. It’s just a statement on my part to make sure the game goes on. Is this a rather melodramatic reaction? Could be. But then I have a flair for the melodramatic. Take it for what you will. All I’m saying is that I will not see the game again. I won’t talk about the game. I even won’t ever mention any thing about the game again on the website. You should know me better Fedorov. But then maybe you do.

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